Private lesson bookings report

Use this report to view the booking status for private lessons for selected customers (instructors or students). This can be useful for identifying customers who have paid for a certain number of private lessons, but do not have all of these lessons scheduled (see Options below).


Reports > Registration Reports > Private Lesson Bookings



    1. Click the Customer  link to pop-up the Customer Search page and then enter some search criteria. The customer search results will be displayed on the Select Customer page.

    2. From the Select Customer page, select the customers.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the customers, you can select the customer in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Customer Type

    1. Click the Customer Type link to pop-up the Customer Type List page.

    2. From the Customer Type List page, select the customer types.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the customer types, you can select the customer type in the list box then click Remove at the right side.


    1. Click the Activity link to pop-up the Activity Search page and then enter some search criteria. The activity search results will be displayed on the Select Activity page.

    2. From the Select Activity page, select the activities.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the activities, you can select the activity in the list box then click Remove at the right side.


    1. Click the Season link to pop-up the Season List page.

    2. From the Season List page, select the seasons.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove a season, select the season to remove in the listbox then click Remove.


    1. Click the Term link to pop-up the Term List page.

    2. From the Term List page, select the terms.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove a term, select the term to remove in the listbox then click Remove.

Activity Category

    1. Click the Activity Category link to pop-up the Activity Category List page.

    2. From the Activity Category List page, select the activity categories.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the activity categories, you can select the activity category in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Activity Type

    1. Click the Activity Type link to pop-up the Activity Type List page.

    2. From the Activity Type List page, select the activity types.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the activity types, you can select the activity type in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Activity Start Date

    1. Click the calendar icon beside the From box and select a Beginning Date of the activity date from the pop-up calendar.

    2. Click the calendar icon beside the To box and select an Ending Date of the activity date from the pop-up calendar.

    3. The Day of Week field beside the calendar icon will automatically be completed.

Activity Site

    1. Click the Activity Site link to pop-up the Activity Site List page.

    2. From the Activity Site List page, select the activity sites.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the activity sites, you can select the activity site in the list box then click Remove at the right side.


    1. Click the Center link to pop-up the Center List page.

    2. From the Center List  page, select the centers.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the centers, you can select the center in the list box then click Remove at the right side.


    1. Click the Instructor link to pop-up the Instructor Search page and then enter some search criteria. The instructor search results will be displayed on the Select Instructor page.

    2. From the Select Instructor page, select the instructors.

    3. Click Add All Selected. To remove the instructors, you can select the instructor in the list box then click Remove at the right side.

Transaction Date/Time

    1. Click the calendar icon beside the From box and select a Beginning Date of Transaction from the pop-up calendar.

    2. Click the calendar icon beside the To box and select an Ending Date of Transaction from the pop-up calendar.

    3. The Day of Week field beside the calendar icon will automatically be completed.

    4. Enter in the Time box the times of day for transaction.

Private Lesson Date

    1. Click the calendar icon beside the From box and select a Beginning Date of the private lesson date from the pop-up calendar.

    2. Click the calendar icon beside the To box and select an Ending Date of the private lesson date from the pop-up calendar.

    3. The Day of Week field beside the calendar icon will automatically be completed.


Include Enrollees With

Only Enrollees With Lessons To Reschedule

Select the Only Enrollees With Lessons To Reschedule checkbox to only view customers with lessons which require rescheduling.

Only Enrollees With Refunded Dates

Select the Only Enrollees With Refunded Dates checkbox to only view customers with refunded lessons.

Only Group Lessons With Room

Select the Only Group Lessons With Room checkbox to only view group lessons with available spaces.

Show Private Lesson Detail

Select the Show Private Lesson Detail checkbox to only view lesson date, attendance status, lesson day of week, lesson time, lesson facility, and lesson duration.

Only Lessons Without a Reserved Facility

Select the Only Lessons Without a Reserved Facility checkbox to only view lessons with no facility reserved.

Include Head of Household?

Select the Include Head of Household? checkbox to show the head of household's name on the report.

Use Head of Household Contact Information?

Select the Use Head of Household Contact Information? checkbox to show the head of household's contact information on the report instead of the customer's contact information.

Activity Status

Choose one of the following options from the Activity Status drop-down list, to only include activities with that status. The options include:

Customer Name Format

Choose an option from the Customer Name Format drop-down list to list customers by:

Optional Fields 1, 2, 3, and 4

Choose the option from the Optional Fields 1, 2, 3, and 4 drop-down lists to display up to 4 optional customer detail fields on the roster, as selected from the following:


Choose the option from the Retired drop-down list to include memberships of customers in the report depending on their status. The options are:

Group By

Choose the option from the Order By drop-down list to arrange report records as selected from a pre-defined list. The options include:

Output Type

Choose the option from the Output Type drop-down list to select the output type or format of the report, as selected from a predefined list. The available output types are Adobe Acrobat Reader, HTML, and Microsoft Excel.

Save Report Definition

    1. Enter in the Report Title box the desired report title.

    2. Click Save to save the report definition using the current report title entered. If the report title has been changed, the original report title will be replaced by the new one.

    3. Click Save As to save another version of the report definition using a different report title.

    4. Click Recall/Schedule on top of the page to access a previously saved report definition from the Report Definitions page.

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