Reservation master report

This report displays a master list of facility, equipment and instructor reservations for a specified date range or other criteria such as customer, facility, site, etc. It shows the reserved dates and times for facilities, including details such as permit number, event name, event type, equipment item, equipment type, schedule type, contact information, expected attendance, and permit notes.


Reports > Reservation Reports > Reservation Master


Clicking the Recall / Schedule a saved report definition button at the top of the page takes you to the Report Definitions page, where you can select a previously saved report definition.


The following fields are available on the Reservation Master Report page:

Name of Field




Report Filter


The following filters are available on the Reservation Master Report: Reservation Date and Time Range (date range required), Permit # Date Range, Activity, Schedule Type, Customer Type, Customer, Company, Reservation Site, Center, Event Type, Geographic Area, Facility, Facility Type, Equipment/Facility/Equipment Group, Equipment Item, Equipment Package, Equipment Type, Equipment Category and Instructor.


Click the Report Filter link to learn more about reports and their filters.


Show Notes


Option to display permit notes in the report.

Show Starting and Ending Dates


Option to display the start and end dates of the whole reservation.


If checkbox is not selected, only the reserved times for each reserved date for each facility will be displayed.

Show All Reservation Custom Questions


Option to include all the custom questions and the customers' answers on the report.


Custom questions are attached to specific event types and are asked during facility reservations with that event type. For example: different questions might be asked for meetings, picnics, or banquets.

In the Custom Question Text to Print dropdown list, select which text to display on the report:
  • Full Question, OR

  • Title Only

Only Show Unpaid Permits?


Option to only include permits with unpaid balances in the report.

Show Incomplete Waiver Only?


Option to only include permits with incomplete waivers in the report.


Waivers are attached to specific event types and are normally required to complete facility reservations. For example: different waivers might be required for meetings, picnics, or banquets.

Show Amount Due?


Option to display any balance amount owing for the reservation on the report

Report Layout

Dropdown list

Option to decide the report layout as selected from a predefined list.


The options are: Order by Date/Time, Group by Facilities, Order by Dates/Centers/Facilities/Times.


Dropdown list

Option to include Facilities, Equipment, Instructors or all three in the report.

Output type

Dropdown list

The output type or format of the report.


The available output types are Adobe Acrobat Reader, HTML, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format).


If you want to export this report using a plain format and no subtotals so that you can easily manipulate the figures in a spreadsheet, select Microsoft Excel (Tabular Format).

Save Report Definition

Report Title


Option to save the report definition for later use.


Click the Report Filter link to learn more about report definitions.

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