You can authorize make-up classes for customers who notify you about planned absences in advance. All make-up classes must be authorized before they can be scheduled.
Go to Administration > Registration Settings > Attendance.
Search for and select the activity that you want to view.
Click the date that the customer will be missing.
Select an Attendance Code that corresponds to an absence next to the customer who will be missing the class.
Click the right-arrow
button to expand the visible
columns and show options for make-up classes.
For the customer who will be missing the class, click the Yes or No link under Make-up Class Authorized?
In the Missed Meeting Date Details section, enter the Notice of Absence Given date and the Reason for Absence.
In the Make-up Class Authorization Details section, click Make-up Class Authorized if it is not already checked.
Select the instructor's name who has authorized the make-up class.
Enter the Authorized On and Authorization Expires dates.
Note: The customer has until the Authorization Expires date to schedule their make-up class in an equivalent activity.
Click Save.
Scheduling a make-up class for a customer
Tracking make-up classes by customer
Tracking make-up classes by activity