You can schedule a make-up class for a customer who has been authorized to make up a class.
Go to Administration > Registration Settings > Attendance.
Search for and select the activity that you want to view.
Click the date that the customer will be missing.
Select the Attendance Code that best corresponds to the absence next to the customer who will be missing the class.
Click the right-arrow
button to expand the visible
columns and show options for make-up classes.
Click Schedule Make-up Class for the customer who will be missing the class.
Note: If there is a No in the Make-up Class Authorized? column for this customer then you will first need to authorize the make-up class.
In the Available Make-up Classes section, select the make-up class that you want this customer to attend.
Note: To filter the available make-up classes, enter a Date From, Date To, and/or any other criteria that you would like to use to filter the list, then click Search.
Click Save.
Authorizing a make-up class for a customer
Tracking make-up classes by customer
Tracking make-up classes by activity