Applying a note or alert to multiple customers at once

Use the Batch Note/Alert page to write notes or alerts and apply them to a batch of customers.


    1. Choose one of the following:

    2. Use the options in the Custom Lists section to select the customers who will receive the note or alert:

        1. Select Show Additional Filter Options.

        2. Expand one or more of the new sections to specify customer criteria, as necessary.

    3. In the Customer Contact/Note section, select the Note/Alert Type for this note or alert.

    4. Enter a Description for the note or alert.

Note: The description will appear as a hyperlink in the Unread Customer Alert List.

    1. Enter the Note that you want to add to all customers specified above.

    2. To enter details for an alert:

      1. Select This is an alert?

      2. Enter the Start and End Date when the alert is valid.

      3. In the Select Users to Alert subsection, select the system users to receive the alert.

    3. Click Save.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

Related topics

Adding or modifying a custom list of customers

Adding or modifying a note or alert type

Flagging a customer or company with a special handling alert


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