Batch note/alert

Use this page to create future reminders that you can apply to a batch of customers.


Note: You can send a batch alert to a maximum of 50 customers. You can send batch notes to any number of customers.

Go to section

Custom Lists

Customer Contact/Note

Alert Setup Information

Select Users to Alert


The following options are included on the Change Notes/Alerts page:

Name of Field



Custom Lists

Custom List

Dropdown list

Option to select a custom list of customers and apply the note or alert to everyone on the list.


Click the Preview/Edit List to go to the Custom Lists page, where you can view or modify the selected custom list.

Show additional filter options

Selecting additional filters will fine tune the selected list


Option to select additional filters for the custom list to fine tune the list of customers to include in the report.


Select this checkbox to display filter criteria sections (Population, Transaction, Registration, Facility, Membership, Daycare, Leagues, POS, Gift Cards, Donations, Locker).

Customer Contact/Note

Note/Alert Type

Drowpdown list

Option to create a customer note/alert message, as selected from a predefined list.


You can create note/alert types on the Note/Alert Type List page.



Description of the note/alert message.


The description appears as a hyperlink in the unread customer alert list.


Click this link to go to the Change Note/Alert page.



Notes to attach to the note/alert message.


Use notes to record any details about customers that are related to the note/alert.


Notes appear in the unread customer alert list.

Alert Setup Information

This is an alert?


Select this checkbox to display the alert setup information section.

Start Date


Date when the note/alert becomes valid.

End Date


Date when the note/alert expires.

Select Users to Alert



List of all unassigned users that you can assign to receive the note/alert.


To assign a user this permission, highlight the user in the Available list, then click the right arrow to assign them to the Selected list.


Note: When adding batch alerts, you can only select up to 50 customers.



List of all assigned users that can receive the note/alert.


To remove an option from this profile, highlight the option in the Selected list, then click the left arrow button to return the option to the Available list.