Calendar - weekly report

To display a one-week calendar for specific equipment, facilities, and instructors, run the Calendar - Weekly report. Each equipment item or facility will have its own one-week calendar where bookings for that week are displayed.


    1. Go to Reports > Reservation Reports > Calendar - Weekly.

    2. In the Filters section:

      1. Enter a date from the week that you want to print in the Any day of the week box.

      2. Select the Time Range, Permit #s, Reservation Sites, and/or any other information to filter the report.

    3. In the Options section:

      1. To display child facilities of a booked facility and show them to be booked as well, select Show Child Facilities as Booked?

      2. To display the name of the customer who made each facility booking, select Display Customer Information?

      3. Select the Time Interval that you want to use in the calendar grid.

      4. Select the Output Type for the report.

      5. Select any other necessary information that you want to include in the report.

    4. Click Run Report.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

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Overview of permits


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