Defining and generating coupons in a batch

Coupons are promotional tools that are used to provide discounts to registrations, apply discounts to merchandise fees, or record responses to marketing campaigns. For complete descriptions of the options in a section, click the section name below.


    1. Go to Administration > Financial Settings > Coupon Batches.

    2. Choose one of the following:

    3. In the Coupon Batch Properties section, enter the Coupon Batch Title, Minimum Number, and Maximum Number for the coupons in the batch.

    4. Note: The Minimum and Maximum Numbers describe the starting and ending number for the coupon codes in the batch. For example: if the Minimum Number is 1000 and the Maximum Number is 1003, then the coupon codes will be 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003.

    5. In the Coupon Setting (What) section, specify the Coupon Title, Coupon Type, Discount Type, Discount Amount/Percent, and/or any other necessary information.

    6. In the Coupon Setting (When) section, specify the dates and times when the coupons in this batch will be valid, if applicable.

    7. In the Coupon Setting (How Many) section, specify the number of times each coupon can be used (individually and per customer), if applicable.

    8. Note: To specify that the coupons have unlimited usage, leave these boxes set to 0.

    9. In the Customer Settings section, specify information about the customers to use these coupons, if applicable.

    10. In the Coupon Setting (Qualifying Activities/Merchandise/Daycare Programs/Memberships) section, specify the activities, merchandise, daycare programs, and/or memberships for which these coupons will be valid, if applicable.

    11. Click Save.

Related topics

Creating or modifying a coupon


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