Adding, modifying, or deleting an individual daycare session date

Daycare session dates correspond to the specific dates, times and locations of a daycare class.


    1. Go to Administration > Daycare Settings > Sessions.

    2. Search for the Program Type of the session that you want to modify.

    3. Click Dates for the session that you want to modify.

    4. In the Individual Dates section, choose one of the following:

    5. Select the Facility where the class is held.

    6. Enter the Date, Starting Time, and Ending Time for the class.

    7. To permanently cancel the session date, select Cancel Date.

    8. To temporarily close registration for a session date, select Close Date.

    9. To override the minimum enrollment defined for this session date that was set at the session level, enter a new minimum in the Override Min Enrollment box.

    10. To override the maximum enrollment defined for this session date that was set at the session level, enter a new maximum in the Override Max Enrollment box.


If the session’s associated facility has been booked by other activities, FlexReg program or permit, the Scheduling Conflict popup displays a list of schedule conflicts. You can selectively override conflicts, edit schedule conflicts, delete session dates, or ignore conflicts for now.  

Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

Related topics

Adding or modifying a daycare session


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