Adding, modifying, or copying a daycare session

Sessions correspond to sets of specific daycare classes with specific times over a date range. You can attach a session to one or more daycare programs.


For complete descriptions of the options in a specific section, click the section name below.


    1. Go to Administration > Daycare Settings > Sessions.

    2. Choose one of the following:

    3. In the General Information section, enter the Session name, Description, Program Type, Facility, and Site for the session.

    4. In the Enrollment Restrictions section:

      1. Specify the minimum and maximum number of customers per day in the session.

      2. Specify the minimum and maximum number of classes per session that customers must select when enrolling on the customer (public access) site.

    5. In the Dates section, enter the dates of the first and last class in the session.

    6. In the Days section, select the days of the week and/or the weeks of the month when the session will occur.

    7. In the Times section, enter the Beginning and Ending Time for each class in the session.

    8. Click Save.


If the session’s associated facility has been booked by other activities, FlexReg program or permit, the Scheduling Conflict popup displays a list of schedule conflicts. You can selectively override conflicts, edit schedule conflicts, delete session dates, or ignore conflicts for now. 

Related topics

Adding or modifying a daycare program

Adding or modifying a daycare program type

Adding or modifying a facility


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