Coupon batch

Use this page to define and generate multiple coupons in a batch.

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Coupon Batch Properties

Coupon Setting (What)

Coupon Setting (When)

Coupon Setting (How Many)

Customer Settings

Coupon Setting (Qualifying Activities)


The Coupon Batch Functions page has the following options:

Change Coupon Batch Details

Generate Coupons

Manage Coupons


The following options are included on the Change Coupon Batch Detail page:

Name of Field



Coupon Batch Properties

Coupon Batch Title


Title or name of the coupon batch.




Option to automatically attach a prefix to the coupon code of coupons generated for the batch.


For example: if the Prefix is 'Promo', then the coupon codes will be Promo1, Promo 2, etc.


Note: Both a Prefix and a Suffix can be attached to coupon codes. For example: Promo 1 Spring, Promo 2 Spring, etc.



Option to automatically attach a suffix to the coupon code of coupons generated for the batch.


For example, if the Suffix is 'Spring', then the coupon codes would be 1 Spring, 2 Spring, etc.


Note: You can attach both a Prefix and a Suffix to coupon codes. For example, Promo 1 Spring, Promo 2 Spring, etc.

Minimum Number


Starting number for coupon codes in the batch.


For example: if you enter 1000, then the coupon codes will be 1000, 1001, etc.

Maximum Number


Ending number for coupon codes in the batch.


For example: if the minimum number is 1000 and the maximum number is 1003, then the coupon codes will be 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003.

Coupon Setting (What)

Coupon Title


Title or name of the coupons included in the batch.




Description of the coupons.

Coupon Type

Dropdown list

Type of coupons, as selected from the following:

  • Registration: applies a percentage or fixed dollar amount discount on registration fee.

  • Merchandise: applies a percentage or fixed dollar amount discount on activity merchandise.

  • Marketing: used to record response to marketing campaigns.

  • Free merchandise: used when giving away free merchandise or for recording response to marketing campaigns.

  • Daycare: applies a percentage or fixed dollar amount discount on registration fee.

  • Usage Fee (Membership):  applies a percentage or fixed dollar amount discount on a usage fee


Note: If you have selected Merchandise or Free Merchandise, the Qualifying Merchandise section displays.


If you have selected Marketing, the Charge, GL AccountDiscount Type, Discount Amount, and Discount Percent options do not display.

Coupon Category


Coupon category used to classify the coupons for reporting purposes.


Dropdown list

Charge that the coupons are attached to.

GL Account

Dropdown list

General ledger account that the coupons are linked to.

Discount Type

Dropdown list

The discount type, as selected from either Fixed Discount or Percentage Discount.

Discount Amount


The discount amount that is linked to the coupons.


Required if you have selected Fixed Amount as the Discount Type.

Discount Percent


The discount percentage that is linked to the coupons.


Required if you have selected Percentage Discount as the Discount Type.

Coupon Setting (When)

Date From


Date when the coupons become valid.

Date To


Date when the coupons expire.

Used Again In


Option to reuse the coupons after their initial validity period.


For example: the coupons may be issued again by the agency for use in another activity or campaign after 6 months.


Enter a number then select either Days, Weeks, or Months from the dropdown list.

Days of Week


Select the days of the week that the coupons are valid.

Weeks of Month


Select the weeks of the month that the coupons are valid.

Months of Year


Select the months of the year that the coupons are valid.

Coupon Setting (How Many)

Limited Quantity


Total number of times that each coupon can be used.


If you want coupons to have unlimited usage, leave this field at its default of '0'.

Customer Settings

Customer List

Dropdown list

Select a customer list that was created in the custom list builder function (Communication > List Builder > Create Customer Lists).

Preview/Edit List


Click this link to go you to the Report Definitions for Custom Lists page, where you can view the selection of custom lists.

Number of Coupons Per Customer


The number of coupons allotted to each customer.

Email the Notification to Customer?


Select this option to send an email notification to customers.


When coupons are generated, ACTIVE Net automatically sends an email to customers defined in the customer list.


The coupon includes the coupon name and code, the number of uses remaining and the expiry date.

Coupon Setting (Qualifying Activities)



Link to the Activity Search page, where you can select activities for which the coupons are valid.

Activity Category


Link to the Activity Category page, where you can select activity categories for which the coupon is valid.



Link to the Season List page, where you can select seasons for which the coupon is valid.