Creating an activity catalog

You can use ACTIVE Net to create an activity catalog that can be printed or used as a template for printing a catalog outside of ACTIVE Net. You can specify which activities to include or exclude in the catalog. You can produce the catalog in either ASCII (CSV) or RTF formats.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.


    1. Go to Communications > Catalogs > Activities.

    2. In the Catalog Format section, specify the catalog output format that you want to use:

    3. In the Filter Criteria section, specify one or more filters to determine which programs should be included in the catalog:

    4. To display activity statuses (such as "open" or "closed") in the catalog, select Show Activity Status in the Options section.

    5. Click Submit.


Note: The catalog will include the following information about the selected activities:


The following additional information is included in ASCII file format only:

Related topics

About activity catalog numbers


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