Adding or modifying an expense

You can track of the amounts that you spend on your activities by entering them in as expenses. Expenses can be instructor payments (payroll) or other expenditures incurred for activities (for example: materials).


For complete descriptions of the options in a section, click the section name below.


    1. Go to Front Desk > Financial > Expenses.

    2. Choose one of the following:

    3. In the General section, enter a brief Description of the expense, the Department associated with the expense, and/or the Payrate Code for the expense.

    4. Choose one of the following:

    5. In the Expense section, enter the Expense Date, Amount, Expense GL Account, and/or any other necessary information for the expense.

    6. Click Save.

Related topics

Posting a pending expense to sub-ledger

Approving or denying a payroll expense


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