Assigning extra details to a customer, activity, facility, or center

You can assign extra details to a customer, center, activity, or facility to provide links or URLs to additional information on the public access site. Use the Extra Detail Master List to maintain a list of descriptions. Define the link and the thumbnail image for the link at the time you create the customer, center, activity, or facility.


    1. Choose one of the following:

    2. Choose one of the following:

    3. Select the Detail Name that you want to use for this extra detail.

    4. Note: To add a new item to the Detail Name list, create a new master extra detail record.

    5. Enter a Description for this extra detail's link.

    6. Note: The description will appear on the public access site as a clickable link that takes users to this extra detail's URL.

    7. Enter the URL of the website that you want to display when customers click the link for this extra detail.

    8. To include a small image on the public access site next to the link for this extra detail:

      1. Select either URL (if you can access the image through an online URL) or Upload (if you have the image file and will be uploading it to ACTIVE Net) as the Thumbnail Source.

      2. Enter the Thumbnail URL or upload the thumbnail image that you want to use.

    9. To attach an additional file to this extra detail, select the file that you want to use (or upload a new file) in the Attached File subsection.

    10. Click Save.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

Related topics

Creating a new master extra detail record


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