Holiday dates

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Holiday Dates


Facility Rental Qualifications

Equipment Rental Qualifications


Name of Field Type Description

Holiday Dates

Description Text The name of the holiday date.
Date From, Date To, Time From, Time To Date, Time

Enter a start date and end date to create a date range for the holiday date.


To create a holiday date for a single day, set the Date From and Date To to the same date.


Modify the Time From and Time To times, if necessary.

Holiday dates for every year? Checkbox Option to make this holiday date available over this date and time range every year regardless of the year entered in the above date field.


Apply to Checkboxes Select the ACTIVE Net modules that can use this holiday date.

Facility Rental Qualifications

Use the facility list in this section to specify the facilities that can use this holiday date:


  • If a facility can use this holiday date, select its checkbox.

  • If a facility cannot use this holiday date, leave its checkbox disabled.


Note: To select or disable the checkboxes for all of the facilities in a specific center, select or disable the center's checkbox.

Filter list by Site


To narrow down the facility list and display only facilities from a specific site, select the site that you want to view.

Filter list by Center


To narrow down the facility list and display only facilities from a specific center, select the center that you want to view.


Note: To select multiple centers, hold down Ctrl while clicking the centers that you want to view.

Filter list by Types


To narrow down the facility list and display only specific facility types, select the facility types that you want to view.


Note: To select multiple facility types, hold down Ctrl while clicking the facility types that you want to view.

Equipment Rental Qualifications

Use the equipment list in this section to specify the equipment that can use this holiday date.


  • If equipment can use this holiday date, select its checkbox.

  • If equipment cannot use this holiday date, leave its checkbox disabled.


Note: To select or disable the checkboxes for all of the equipment in a specific center, select or disable the center's checkbox.

Filter list by Site


To narrow down the equipment list and display only equipment from a specific site, select the site that you want to view.

Filter list by Center


To narrow down the equipment list and display only equipment from a specific center, select the center that you want to view.


Note: To select multiple centers, hold down Ctrl while clicking the centers that you want to view.

Filter list by Types


To narrow down the equipment list and display only specific equipment types, select the equipment types that you want to view.


Note: To select multiple equipment types, hold down Ctrl while clicking the equipment types that you want to view.

Related topics

Adding or modifying a charge

Link a charge to a resource using the charge matrix


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