Changing a league contact

League or tournament contacts are people who are available to be contacted with or for information about the league or tournament. The league sponsor or scheduler might be the league contact, for example.


    1. Go to Administration > League Settings > Leagues.

    2. Click Edit for the league that you want to modify.

    3. Click Change League Contacts.

    4. Choose one of the following:

    5. Select the Contact Type for this contact.

    6. Select the Customer and/or Company that you want to be the league or tournament contact.

    7. To show this league or tournament contact’s name on the customer site in the Sports section, select Show Online.

    8. To show this league or tournament contact’s position (contact type), name, phone number, and email address on the customer site in the Sports section, select Show Contact Info Online.

    9. Click Save.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options in this section, click here.

Related topics

Defining league or tournament contact types

Adding or modifying a league or tournament


League Settings