Home > Front Desk > Daycare programs > Enrolling in daycare
Basic daycare registration consists of searching for a daycare program, selecting session dates, confirming fees, and taking a payment.
To start a new enrollment, go to Front Desk > Daycare > Enroll/modify enrollment.
On the Daycare Search page, enter criteria that you want to use to search for a daycare program.
Click Search.
Click the name of the Program that you want to enroll in.
On the Customer Search page, enter criteria that you want to use to search for a customer.
Click Search.
Click the Name of the customer that you want to sell the membership package to.
On the Daycare Enrollment page, specify sessions for the daycare program enrollment.
If Authorized Pickup is enabled, click Add existing customer or click Add new customer and enter the required fields to assign the authorized pickups.
Click Submit.
On the Daycare Enrollment Fees page, specify the charges and/or notes required for the enrollment.
(Optional) If customers withdraw from a paid meeting date, you can enable the Apply Refund to Current Balance setting and ACTIVE Net will apply the paid amount to the subsequent daycare payment schedule if any. The Apply Refund to Current Balance check box is visible only when the Refund amount is greater than the newly increased charge and there is a balance due in the payment plan.
Click Enroll and Pay.
On the Receipt Payment page, select the customer who will pay for the enrollment.
Click Pay & Finish.
Either print the receipt or send it to the customer as an email.
Enrolling in a daycare waitlist
Searching program availability
Changing a waiting list for a daycare program