Basic registration from a daycare waitlist consists of searching for the daycare program and the waitlisted client, selecting fees, and taking a payment.
Go to Front Desk > Daycare > Enroll from Waiting List.
If you know the daycare program with the waitlist that you want to manage, enter the Program Name (try using just the first few letters) or other program details in the Search by Daycare section.
If you know the customer who you want to move off of the waiting list, enter the customer's name (try using just the first few letters) or other details in the Search by Customer section.
If you know the exact Customer ID of the customer who you want to move off of the waiting list, enter it in the Direct Access section.
Select the waitlisted reservation units that you want to enroll from.
To sort customers by time or by name, expand the Sort by dropdown and select the required option.
To enroll the customer from the waiting list, click ▼ and select the required reservations units and then click the Enroll button to proceed to the payment page.
To view the original receipts, click the corresponding Receipt number.
To select a different customer or program, click the Back button on your browser.
Select and apply the enrollment fees and add any necessary notes.
To apply a coupon to this enrollment, enter the coupon code and click Apply.
Verify the charges listed in the Fees for Enrollment section and ensure that all charges you want to apply to this enrollment are checked in the Include? column.
Note: If you can see an Override? checkbox then you can click it to enable its Include? checkbox.
Verify the amounts in the Unit Fee column for each charge and modify them, if necessary.
If the program has a membership prerequisite that is set for immediate sale, verify the membership package and fee listed in the Membership Fees section.
If the program has a linked POS product, verify the product and amount listed in the POS Product Fees section.
If an automatic payment plan is set by default for the program:
Select a Payment Cycle for the enrollment.
Enter the Number of Payments to Collect Now.
Note: If value is 0, nothing will be charged on the receipt and the first payment will be charged on the next cycle.
To automatically charge the customer's credit card when charges are due, click Automatically Charge Credit Card?
Select the Payer for the automatic payments.
Enter the Credit Card Number and Expiration for the automatic payments.
To add an optional backup form of payment, click the underlined link beneath the A BACKUP FORM OF PAYMENT IS OPTIONAL FOR AUTOMATED BILLING description.
To automatically re-enroll the customer into new daycare program sessions after the current session expires:
Click Auto re-enroll? in the Auto Re-enroll Payment Info section.
Select the Payer for the automatic re-enrollment.
Enter the Credit Card Number and Expiration Date for the re-enrollment.
To have a third-party-billing payer pay for all or part of this enrollment, select Apply third party billing? in the Third Party Billing section.
Enter any staff or customer notes for this enrollment.
Click any program Checklist Items that need to be completed prior to enrollment, if applicable.
Click any overrides that need to be bypassed in order for the enrollment to continue, if applicable.
Click Enroll and Pay.
On the Receipt Payment page, select the customer who will pay for the enrollment.
If you see the customer who will pay for the transaction in the Potential Customers list:
Select the customer who will pay.
Click Select.
If an existing customer who is not in the Potential Customers list will pay for the transaction:
Enter one or more criteria that you want to use to search for the customer.
Click Search.
If the customer who will pay for the transaction does not yet exist in ACTIVE Net, click Add New Customer.
If the customer who will pay for the transaction is a family member who does not yet exist in ACTIVE Net:
Select an existing customer who is in the family of the new customer from the Add Family Member / Friend (Based on Customer) list.
Click Submit.
If you know the Customer ID, Membership Pass Number, or alternate key type of the customer who will pay for the transaction:
Enter the information in the corresponding box.
Click Submit.
If a company will pay for the transaction:
Click the Find Company section.
Search for an existing company or add a new company.
Select a payment in the Receipt Payment section.
To pay for the transaction using a single payment type, click the $ for the payment type that you want to use and enter any further payment details, if necessary.
To pay with cash and give back change, enter the amount of cash taken in the Cash box and click anywhere on the screen. The change due displays in the Change box.
To pay using more than one payment type, enter the amount that you want to pay for each payment type in its corresponding payment type box.
To pay for all or part of the balance using a payment plan:
Enter the amount that you want to pay by payment plan in the Payment Plan box.
Select when the payment plan billing will start from the Billing Starts list:
To start the billing on the First Payment date specified below, select Immediately.
To start the billing on the next period after the First Payment date specified below, select Next iteration.
Select the Frequency of the payments in the payment plan.
Enter the payment plan start date in the First Payment box.
Note: If Billing Starts is set to Next iteration, then the first date that payment is due will be on the date of the period following the First Payment date.
Enter the total Number of Payments in the payment plan.
To modify the date or amount of an individual payment in the payment plan:
Select the payment that you want to modify in the Payment Schedule list.
Click the here link to the right.
Enter the new Date and/or Amount.
Click Modify Payment.
Select whether or not to automatically charge the customer for each payment plan date:
To add each payment's amount to the customer's outstanding account balance (no credit cards or bank accounts will be charged), select No automatic charge?
To charge the customer's credit card for each payment amount on the dates specified in the payment schedule, select Automatically charge credit card?
To charge the customer's bank account for each payment amount on the dates specified in the payment schedule, select Automatically charge bank account?
To add an optional donation in addition to the amount due in the original transaction:
Select the Campaign that you want to donate to in the Add a Donation section.
Enter the Donation Amount.
Click Pay & Finish.
Either print the receipt or send it to the customer as an email.
Searching program availability
Changing a waiting list for a daycare program
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