Scheduled attendances

Use this page to check customers in to activities, daycare programs and leagues. You can also view a history of the customer's attendance in these events as well as view a list their upcoming enrollments.


You can use links on this page to go to the Check-in and Check-out and Notes pages, where you can modify daycare program details related to check-in and check-out times and dates as well as customer notes.

Go to section


Customer Detail

Event Date Range Filter

Scheduled Event List


The following options are included on the Scheduled Events List page:

Name of Field Type Description




When a customer has a membership photo in their customer record, the photo appears to the left of the customer information.


If a customer does not have a photo in their customer record, a gray box appears to the left of the customer information, with the words No Photo Available.


Read only

Name of the customer.


Read only

Address of the customer.

Home Phone

Read only

Home phone number of the customer.

Work Phone

Read only

Work phone number of the customer.

Birth Date

Read only

Birth date of the customer.


Read only

Age of the customer in years and months.


Read only

Gender of the customer.

Customer Detail


Read only

General notes about the customer that are displayed when a special handling customer makes a transaction (for example: customer preferences, requests, reminders).

Medical Alert

Read only

Medical alert notes that can be printed on the roster.


Also displayed when a special handling customer makes a transaction (for example: allergies, special medical instructions).

General Alert

Read only

Alert notes for the staff that are displayed when a special handling customer makes a transaction (for example: Do not accept checks from this customer).

Event Date Range Filter

From Date


Beginning date for the event filter.

To Date


End date for the event filter.

Scheduled Event List



Starting date of the event.



Starting time of the event.



Name of the event.

Event Action - Activities


Select the attendance code for the participant.


The Attend checkbox is automatically selected or cleared depending on the attendance code you select.


Alternately, you can click Apply Default Code to apply the default attendance code set on the Customer Check-In/Check-Out page.

Event Action - Daycare programs


Click Check-in to go to the Check-in page, where you can modify the check-in time and date, view the staff member responsible for recording the check-in, and modify and view customer notes.


After you have entered the check-in information, the check-out link appears. Click Check-out to go to the Check-out page, where you can modify the check-out time and date of the program, view the staff member responsible for recording the check-in, and modify and view the customer notes. You can also select the authorized pick-up person.

Event Action - Leagues


If an activity has teams, only the dates where the team that the customer is a part of and is scheduled to play are displayed.

Event Duration


Duration of the activity, daycare program or league.

Event Notes


Link to the Change notes page, where you can modify customer notes.