General system configuration

Use this page to configure general default settings for the agency.

Go to section

Multi-language Settings


Asset Publication

Regional Settings


Staff Side Transaction Notes - Default Settings

Staff Password Security


Minimizing Duplicate Customer Settings

Retired Customer Settings


Change Log

Marketing Emails

Emergency Contact Setting

System User Setting

Report Setting

Staff Side Transaction Override Information

ACTIVE Net Connect Access

ACTIVE Net Connect Settings

SkyLogix Lighting Settings

Reservation Module

Prerequisite Components

Prior to setting up general defaults, you must set up:


Files Uploaded


Administration > System Settings > Configuration - General

Modifying System Settings

On the System Settings - General page, you will find the following input fields with the option to Save at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description

Multi-language Settings

French Checkbox

Select to enable French as one of the CUI language options.

Enable Canada (French) currency format


The option is available only if the above French checkbox is selected.


Select this checkbox to enable display in the CUI of currency symbols to the right of monetary amounts (e.g. 100.00 $).

Enable Canada (French) time format Checkbox

The option is available only if the above French checkbox is selected.


Select this checkbox to enable display in the CUI of times in the French 12-hour format or French 24-hour format (e.g. 8 h 30 à 15 h 30).

Spanish Checkbox

Select to enable Spanish as one of the CUI language options.


Workstation Read only

Pre-filled with the currently logged in workstation.

Asset Publication

Publish Activities?


Option to publish activities to the site.


If this option is selected, customers will be able to view activity details on the site.


A link will also be provided that takes them to the relevant page where they can view further details and enroll in the activity.

Publish Daycare Programs?


Option to publish daycare programs to the site.


If this option is selected, customers will be able to view daycare program details on the site.


A link will also be provided that takes them to the relevant page where they can view further details and enroll in the activity.

Publish Membership Packages?


Option to publish membership packages to the site.


If this option is selected, customers will be able to view membership package details on the site.


A link will also be provided that takes them to the relevant page where they can view further details and enroll in the activity.

Regional Settings

Local Area Code


Local default area telephone code that can be pre-filled in new customer records (on both the admin and customer sites).

Note that this field is optional.

Minor Age Numeric Age when customers are not considered minors anymore and will be NOT be eligible for charges designated with the pre-fill condition If Minor.
Customers of this age or higher as of the start of the activity are not eligible.
Senior Age Numeric Age when customers will be considered seniors and will be eligible for charges designated with the pre-fill condition If Senior.
Customers of this age or higher as of the start of the activity are eligible.
Time Zone Dropdown list The time zone for your agency.
This is critical to ensure the times recorded in the database and on receipts are correct.
Date Format Dropdown list Select the format that you want to use when displaying dates in ACTIVE Net.
Time Format Dropdown list Select the format that you want to use when displaying times in ACTIVE Net.

Enable county lookup and validation?


Select this option to enable county lookup and validation for customers and companies with US addresses.


If selected, all new customer and company records with US addresses will automatically be validated upon entry, and a county will be assigned to their records, based on their zip codes and cities.


The zip code is used primarily to find the appropriate county. If the zip code is associated with more than one county (some zip codes span over more than 1 county), the city will be used to select the correct county. If an appropriate county is not found for a customer or company record, the county field will be set to Unknown.


When this option is selected, you will be given the option to update existing customer or company records with their counties.


Clicking OK and then Save takes you to the Update Counties page, where the batch update can be performed.


Note: This feature is for US addresses only.

Allow international addresses?


Select this option to enable the Country field in the address sections of customer and company records.


If this field is enabled, a list of countries will be available in the dropdown list for the Country field.


If the selected country had associated states in ACTIVE Net's database (for example: the United States), a state must be selected from the dropdown list of states in the State field.


If the country has no states in the database (for example: Afghanistan), the State field becomes a text box, where an optional state can be entered.

Use international format for phone numbers?


Select this option to allow users to choose an international country code for phone numbers.


All phone numbers will display in international format.


To display phone numbers in local format, leave this option disabled.

Require 10 Digit Phone Number in North America?


To specify that North American customers on the public site must enter the full 10 digits of their phone number when entering phone numbers, select this option.


To specify that North American customers can enter either a 7- or 10-digit phone number on the public site, leave this option disabled. In this case, if a customer enters a 7-digit phone number then ACTIVE Net assumes that the phone number uses the default Local Area Code (above).


This option is only visible if you have integrated your public access site with ACM. Contact your account manager for more information about ACM integration.

Default Country

Dropdown list

Country to be pre-filled in new customer records in the admin site, as selected from a predefined list.


Note: In the customer site, the country is pre-filled with the country entered in the Organization page.

Default City


City to be pre-filled in new customer records in the admin site.


Note: In the customer site, the city is pre-filled with the city entered in the Organization page.

Default State Dropdown list State or province to be pre-filled in new customer records in the admin site, as selected from a predefined list.
Note: In the customer site, the state is pre-filled with the state entered in the Organization page.
Default Zip Code Dropdown list Zip or postal code to be pre-filled in new customer records in the admin site, as selected from a predefined list.
Note: In the customer site, the zip code is pre-filled with the zip code entered in the Organization page.



Banner Logo Link (URL) Text URL to link to from the banner logo (top of the screen).
When users (or customers from the public site) click on the banner logo, another internet session will open at this URL.
Banner Logo Dropdown list The logo that will be displayed on the banner for the admin site, as selected from a list of imported files.

Gift Card Logo

Dropdown list

The logo that will be displayed on the banner of the gift card, as selected from a list of imported files.


Note that the suggested file size for images is 200 x 65 pixels.

Receipt Logo

Dropdown list

The logo to be displayed on the customer receipt, as selected from a list of imported files.

In the Facility Management module, the permit logo is automatically resized to fit within a 345 x 60 to 60 x 60 pixel range.

Statement Logo Dropdown list The logo to be displayed on the customer account statements, as selected from a list of imported files.

Online Images

Specify the images used on the public site.
You can select one of the following:
  • The default icon included with ACTIVE Net (Default ______)

  • An imported file from the dropdown list

  • No image (select the blank at the top of the dropdown list)

You can specify images for:
  • Introduction Page Graphic (recommended dimensions: 960px wide, 285px high)

  • Activities Image (recommended dimensions: 304px wide, 150px high)

  • Reservations Image (recommended dimensions: 304px wide, 150px high)

  • Passes Image (recommended dimensions: 304px wide, 150px high)

  • Drop-In Calendars Image (recommended dimensions: 304px wide, 150px high)

  • Shopping Cart Icon

  • MyAccount Icon

  • Empty Shopping Cart

  • Processing Disabled

  • Organization Logo on Facebook


If you have enabled the new CUI Homepage, for a better visual effect, you can specify images for:

  • Introduction Page Graphic (recommended dimensions: 1200px wide, 500px high)

  • Activities Image (recommended dimensions: 1000px wide, 1000px high)

  • Facilities Image (recommended dimensions: 1000px wide, 1000px high)

  • Memberships Image (recommended dimensions: 1000px wide, 1000px high)

  • Calendars Image (recommended dimensions: 1000px wide, 1000px high)

  • Donations Image (recommended dimensions: 1000px wide, 1000px high)

Display of the above images to consumers is dependent on screen resolutions and browser dimensions. If an image needs to be truncated, then the center of the image will be preferentially displayed.


Note: You can also specify images for these icons for specific sites.

Banner Logo Dropdown list The logo that will be displayed on the banner for the customer site, as selected from a list of imported files.
Introduction Page Graphic Dropdown list The graphic to be displayed on the start page on the customer site, as selected from a list of imported files.

Staff Side Transaction Notes - Default Settings

For both Staff Transaction Notes and Customer Transaction Notes, which appear during reservation transactions from the Front Desk, select one of the following default settings for the notes fields:
  • Collapse - show only the notes section heading

  • Expand - show the notes section heading and text area

Staff Password Security

Note: These fields are set up by staff. The settings selected here will affect the configuration of staff logins for logging in on the staff site.

Prevent staff from changing login / password?


Option to prevent staff from changing the customer's login or password on the customer (public access) site.


If this option is not selected, staff will be able to change customer's login and password, for example: if they forget either and need them to be reset.

Initial password must be changed? Checkbox Option to enforce users to change their password the first time they log in.
Login Expire Months Numeric The number of months that a login is valid before it expires.
If this field is 0 or left blank, the login will never expire.
Password Change Months Numeric The number of months that a password is valid before it is required to be changed.
When the password validity period lapses, the user will be prompted to change the password the next time they log in.
If this field is 0 or left blank, the password will never expire.

Maximum Failed Logon Retries


The maximum times that a user can enter an incorrect password before they are logged out of the system.


The default number of tries is 5.


When this occurs, an error message will display that directs the user to contact their system administrator.


Setting this number at 0 means that the user has an unlimited number of attempts.

Account Lockout Message


Error message that will display after the user has been locked out of his account after the maximum number of password attempts.


Default Customer Type

Dropdown list

Customer type under which the customer is classified, as selected from a predefined list.


This determines the charges applied for facility reservations, as set in the Charge Matrix.


Note that If Blank is selected, the customer type can be selected during the customer record creation.

Opt-in all subscription lists by default


Option to automatically subscribe new customers to all subscription lists when their customer records are created.


All subscription lists will be pre-selected during customer record creation but may be deselected individually.

Use customers' previous answers as default answers


When transferring enrollment from one activity to another, if there are common custom questions to both activities, the customer’s answers to these questions will now be copied to the transfer-in activity.


The common questions answers will be pre-filled with the customer’s previous answers from the transfer-out activity, and these answers may be retained or changed, if desired.

Allow the use of age categories?


Option to use age categories instead of date of birth.


If this option is selected, a dropdown list with age categories will display beside the existing Date of Birth field in both AUI and CUI.


Note that if no age categories are configured, then even if this setting is enabled, the Age Category radio button is still hidden in the CUI.

Require Proof of Residency?


Select this option to require customers to provide proof of residency for certain tasks or transactions.


Go to Customer address to set the expiration date for proof of residency if:

  • You assign a residency period to the resident designated by staff, OR

  • You extend the residency period once the residency expires.


To track the expired residency:

  1. Perform a File Export, which contains the field "residency_expires_date".

  2. Sort the export output by date.


Note: Staff determine criteria for proof of residency, and such criteria is not stored within ACTIVE Net.

Enable Third Party Billing?


To enable all settings for third party billing, select this option. When this option is enabled, optionally unselect the unwanted sub-settings.

  • Per customer
  • Per family
  • Per month per customer
  • % amount


When configuring third-party billing information for a customer, on the Change Third Party Billing for {customer name} page, only the system-level enabled billing types are displayed.

Require amendment notes for 3rd party billing.


To require staff users to enter a reason for a change to third-party billing, select this option.

Default Customer Type when Create New Clean Customer

Dropdown list

Default customer type to use on the staff site when a new customer is created who is not based on any existing customers.


Note: For organizations that use customer types to define the primary customer in a family account and the primary membership holder, select the primary customer type here.

Default Customer Type when Create Customer Based on Other

Radio buttons

Default customer type to use on the staff site when a new customer is created who is based on an existing customer.


Note: For organizations that use customer types to define the primary customer in a family account and the primary membership holder, select the second radio button and either leave the dropdown list blank or select a secondary customer type.

Default Family Role?

Dropdown list

Indicates the default family role for new customers.


Default family roles are the family roles that are designated as 'immediate family member' on the Change Family Role page.

Customer ID prefix for invoices


Option to include a prefix number to the customer ID number.


This number will be printed on payment plan invoices and AR statement reports.


Note that the prefix and the customer ID should not be separated by a space.


For example: if a customer ID number is 1234, and the prefix is ABCD, the customer number on the statement will be ABCD1234.

SSN Valid Length


Enter the maximum character length of the SSN (Social Security Number).


If customers are using SSNs which contain only numbers, select Numeric Only.


Note: If you have changed the wording of SSN, the customized term appears here as ______ Valid Length. See Wording Configuration.

Account Suspended Message


Enter the text that customers see when their account is suspended.

Notify Account Change


To receive an automated email notification when customers change settings on their customer profile, select this option.


The email includes the following details:

  • Description: What details changed

  • Date and Time: When the change occured

  • User Name: Who made the change

Account Change Notification Email


Note: This field is only visible when you select Notify Account Change.


Enter the email address to send the account change notification messages to.

Account Change Notification Text


Note: This field is only visible when you select Notify Account Change.


Enter text which appears in automated account change notification messages.

Minimizing Duplicate Customer Settings

Force users to login with email addresses


To avoid creating duplicate accounts, this checkbox. If this setting is enabled, then in both AUI and CUI, when adding or modifying customer accounts:

  • Customers over the age of 13 are validated for their email address uniqueness.
  • Customers who are 13 years old or younger are not required to have their own email address, but they must have a guardian with a unique email address in the Guardian Email Address field.

Note that when this setting is enabled, the "Administration Home > Population Settings > Configuration page > Birthdate" setting is automatically set to Required for "Show During Account Creation" and "Show During Online Account Creation" and cannot be unselected.

Force users to login with email addresses


When this setting is enabled:

  • customers can log in only with their contact email addresses.
  • the Administration Home > Population Settings > Configuration page > Email setting is automatically set to Required for Show During Account Creation and Show During Online Account Creation and cannot be unselected.  
  • the Allow customers to login with setting is automatically set to Contact email address and cannot be edited.

Retired Customer Settings


Dropdown list

Option to provide a reason for retiring a customer, as selected from a predefined list.

Suspend all memberships?


Selecting this checkbox will suspend all memberships that are held by the retired customer.


Check for schedule conflicts?


Option to check for schedule conflicts when a customer enrolls.


If selected, any schedule conflict will have to be overridden for an enrollment to be allowed.

Allow enroll with deposit?


To allow customers to pay a set deposit when enrolling in an activity, select this option.


Note: This setting is system-level, and allows customers to enroll with a deposit for any activity except for activities where Enroll with deposit is disabled.


Note: If you leave this checkbox unchecked, Enroll from Deposit is not available from the Front Desk.

Change Log

System Records - Log changes to the following


To track changes made to system records, select one or more of the following checkboxes. You can log:

  • Activity records

  • Activity Registration records  

  • Account records  

  • Daycare Program records  

  • Daycare Enrollment records  

  • Donation records  

  • Facility records  

  • Gift Card records  

  • Instructor records  

  • Membership records  

  • POS records  

  • Reservation records  

  • Scholarship/Financial Aid records

  • Discount records


To log all system records, select System records - Log changes to the following.

Purge record after ____ months (max 6 months)


Enter the number of months (1-6) to keep the log records.


ACTIVE Netdeletes expired log records.

Marketing Emails

Click Through Text Text Default text to display after the main text of mass email messages to customers if the option to track email open / click through option is selected.
The text requests the user to click through the link provided for tracking purposes.

Click Through Result Message


Default text to display after a customer clicks through the link provided for mass email tracking.

Dynamic Content Email Text


In marketing emails, Dynamic Content represents specific activity details (e.g. upcoming programs that customers might be interested to know about).


In the text fields, enter custom Opening Text (which appears above the dynamic content) and Closing Text (which appears below the dynamic content).


The format of the emails is:

  1. Opening Text

  2. %%Dynamic Content%%

  3. Closing Text

Emergency Contact Setting

Clarification Text


Enter text the user needs to know when setting the emergency contact.


By default, the text reads: "The emergency contact should NOT be the parent or guardian."

System User Setting

Use this section to set whether to display Active staff users in System User lists and Record Created By popup windows throughout ACTIVE Net:

  • To display only agency users (not Active staff users), select this option.

  • To display all users in the System User lists, including Active staff users, clear this option.

Report Setting

Default Report Output Type

Dropdown list

Select a default output type for all reports from the dropdown list:

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader

  • HTML

  • Microsoft Excel

Staff Side Transaction Override Information

Save Transaction Override Information in System


Option to save details about transaction overrides.
ACTIVE Netwill save the override type, system user who authorized the override, transaction date, customer, transaction type, and receipt number for overridden transactions if this option is selected.

ACTIVE Net Connect Access

In this section, staff users can enable or disable any required ACTIVENet Connect modules.



Select to enable checking in of FlexReg program participants.


Select to enable checking in of activity participants.


Select to enable checking in/out of members.
Kiosk Mode


Select to enable kiosk mode self-check-in of FlexReg program and/or Activity participants (depends on whether the above FlexReg and Activity checkboxes are selected).


Select to enable enrolling of customers into activities.
Cash Summary Sheet


Select to enable searching and management of cash summary sheets.
Account Creation


Select to enable creation of customer accounts.
Waiver Management


Select to enable viewing of waiver statuses and signing by customers of unsigned waivers.

ACTIVE Net Connect Settings

This section is displayed only when the ACTIVE Net Connect license and the Child Care/FlexReg module are enabled for the organization.

Apply entry point's validation rules to Child Watch


If this setting is enabled, then in the Child Watch module, after searching for and selecting a child account, staff users must then select a membership or alternate key for the entry point to check the child in to Child Watch.

Require Parent Location in Child Watch


Option to allow check-in of kids into Child Watch with or without selecting a parent location.

Require check-in signature


The Require check-in signature setting is unselected by default. For the ACTIVE Net Connect Child Care/FlexReg and Child Watch modules, when checking-in a kid:

  • If this setting is selected, a signature must be collected before the check-in button is enabled.
  • If this setting is unselected, the check-in button is always enabled, and staff users can check-in kids without requiring parents to sign their signature.

Require check-out signature


The Require check-out signature setting is selected by default. For the ACTIVE Net Connect Child Care/FlexReg and Child Watch modules, when checking-out a kid:

  • If this setting is selected, a signature must be collected before the check-out button is enabled.
  • If this setting is unselected, the check-out button is always enabled, and staff users can check-out kids without requiring parents to sign their signature.

Require authorized pickups


The Require authorized pickups setting is selected by default. For the ACTIVE Net Connect Child Care/FlexReg and Child Watch modules:

  • If this setting is selected, an authorized pickup is required for check-out.
  • If this setting is unselected, an authorized pickup is optional for check-out.

Require Drop Off Person


The Require Drop Off Person setting is unselected by default. For the ACTIVE Net Connect Child Care/FlexReg and Child Watch modules:

  • If this setting is selected, a drop-off person is required for check-in.
  • If this setting is unselected, a drop-off person is not required for check-in..


Enable scan driver license


Option to display the DL Scan icon when creating a new customer account in the Account Creation module.



Configure Childwatch rooms and then use ACTIVE Net Connect to check kids into different rooms, which enables staff users using ACTIVE Net Connect to better manage each room.

To add a new room, click the Add New button and enter the Room Name, Site and any other required fields.

To edit or delete a room, click the Edit or Delete buttons for the required room.

SkyLogix Lighting Settings

Note: This section is available if you have enabled SkyLogix features for your organization. Contact your ACTIVE Net account manager for more information about accessing these features.

Client ID


Enter your organization's SkyLogix client ID.

User Name


Enter your organization's SkyLogix user name.



Enter your organization's SkyLogix password.

PIN Required Controlled by

Dropdown list

If you want to configure SkyLogix settings for each individual permit, click Per Permit Settings.


If you want lighting behaviour to depend on the event type of each reservation, click Event Type ID. SkyLogix must map each event type ID to an appropriate function on their end.


If you want to specify one kind of lighting behaviour for all reservations, click Specific Code and choose one of the following numbers:

  • 0: The light will be turned on and off at reserved times.

  • 1: The light will be turned on and off at reserved times only if the customer enters a PIN.

  • 2: The light will be activated on and off at reserved times and only turned on for specific periods of time.

  • The "specific periods of time" can be activated by a button at the reserved facility. For example: If you have tennis or basketball courts that require lighting when they are reserved during the evening, you may have a button that activates the lights for 30 minutes at a time. If option 2 is selected, then the lights will be available throughout the time when the facility is reserved, but they will only be turned on for 30 minutes at a time when the customers at the site press the button.

  • 3: The light will be activated on and off at reserved times and only turned on for specific periods of time (see the example above). The customer must enter a PIN to turn on the light.


Note: If you select either 1 or 3, then you can specify a Lighting PIN for each customer and company on the Customer Details page or the Company Details page.

Schedule Types To Export


Select specific schedule types that you want to include in the export and move them to the Selected list.


If there are any schedule types that you do not want to include in the export, then leave them in the Available list.

Run Export?


Select this option to begin exporting facility schedules to SkyLogix, starting on the date below. When this option is enabled, ACTIVE Net sends facility schedules to SkyLogix for the current day along with four upcoming days, every 30 minutes.


If you are already exporting facility schedules and want to stop the process, clear this option.

Start Date


Enter a date to start exporting facility schedules to SkyLogix.


If you specify the current date, then ACTIVE Net begins exporting facility schedules immediately.


If you specify a future date, then ACTIVE Net will begin exporting facility schedules at 12:00 AM on that date.

Reservation Module

Show Actual Availability


Select this checkbox to configure the CUI > Reservations > Search results to include only facilities which are strictly available according to the consumer’s requirements.

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