Setting a default facility for an instructor

You can assign a default facility to an instructor so that when you choose an instructor for an activity, ACTIVE Net attempts to book the associated default facility.


    1. Ensure that the activity type for the activity you are enrolling in is not set to automatically create meeting dates or schedule facilities. See No Meeting Dates.

    2. Go to Administration > Registration Settings > Instructors > Change Default Facilities.

    3. Choose one of the following:

      • If a default facility does not exist, click Add New.

      • If a default facility exists, click it to edit it.

    4. From the Facility drop-down list, select the facility you want to use as the default facility.

    5. Enter the other details you want to apply to the default facility (optional):

      • Parent Season

      • Child Season

      • Days of Week

      • Week of Month

      • Start Date/End Date

      • Start Time/End Time

    6. Click Save.

Related topics

Adding or modifying an instructor


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