Activity type list

Use this page to create or modify activity types (for example: Classes (regular activities), Races, Activity Packages and Private Lessons).


The Activity Functions page and the Change Activity page are configured based on the components selected for the activity type on the Change Activity Type page. The Activity Type attached to the activity determines the configuration of the Activity Functions page and the Change Activity page for that activity.

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General Information


Specifying required fields

To specify the fields that are required when staff create a new activity of this type or modify an existing activity of this type, click the corresponding Set Required Fields link.


The following options are included on the Change Activity Type page:

Name of Field



General Information



Name of the activity type.

Prevent Further Use?


Option to retire the activity type so that it does not show up in the list of available activity types.


Main Details


Main activity details. Select the fields to display for the activity type you are creating.


The fields that you select in this section appear on the activity type's Change Activity page. Some of these fields (for example: Dates, Days and Times, Registration Dates and Times, and Seasons) also appear on the Activity Dates page.

General Information


The General Information section is displayed on the Change Activity page.



Select this checkbox to display the Location section on the Change Activity page.


This field is used in most activity records.

Dates, Days and Times


Select this checkbox to display the Days, Dates and Times section on the Change Activity page and on the Activity Dates pages.


This field is used in most activity records.

No Meeting Dates


Select this checkbox to prevent ACTIVE Net from automatically scheduling meeting dates for this activity type.


Note: This option also triggers the Don't Schedule Facilities function for this activity, keeping the default facilities for the instructor you assign to the activity.


This field is used in most activity records.

Participant Information


Select this checkbox to display participant-related sections on the Change Activity page.  


This field is used in most activity records.



Select this checkbox to display the Text section on the Change Activity page.


This includes:

  • User Notes

  • Online Notes

  • Receipt Notes


This field is used in most activity records.

Private Lessons


Select this checkbox to display the Private Lessons section on the Change Activity page.

Make-up Classes




Select this checkbox to enable the Make-up Classes functionality for activities of an activity type on the Make-up Class Configuration page.


Note: This option is only available if you have not selected the Private Lessons checkbox.

Registration Dates and Times


Select this checkbox to display the Registration Dates/Times section on the Change Activity page and on the Activity Dates pages.


This field is used in most activity type records.

Activity Skills


Select this checkbox to display the Activity Skills section on the Change Activity page.

Tax Receipt


Select this checkbox to display the Tax Receipt section on the Change Activity page.


Currently used in Canada.

Parent Season


Select this checkbox to display the Parent Season field in the When (Days) section on the Change Activity and the Activity Dates pages.

Participant Information


Select this checkbox to display the Who and How Many Participants sections on the Change Activity page. 


This field is used in most activity type records.



Options section that is displayed on the Change Activity page.


This section is not optional and is always displayed.


This field is used in most activity records.

Override Site and System Settings


Select this checkbox to allow you to override settings at the site and System Settings level.  


This field is used if there is a requirement to allow duplicate enrollments of a customer in an activity.

Associated Personnel


Select this checkbox to display the Associated Personnel section on the Change Activity page.


Use this field only if your organization uses supervisors.


To add instructor information sections see below.

Activity Award Codes


Select this checkbox to display the Activity Award Codes section on the Change Activity page.

Education Unit


Select this checkbox to include education units in an activity description.


Education units represent the number of instructional hours a particular course/activity contributes towards a student's credits.

Risk Category


Select this checkbox to display the Risk Category dropdown list on the Activity Detail page.

Available for Online Calendar Assignment


Select this checkbox if activities of this type can be set to display on an online calendar.

Activity Lists


Select this checkbox to display the Change Activity List on the Activity Functions page.


This field is used to setup activity packages.  


Note: If you select this checkbox, that means you assign activities to an Activity List and you cannot assign activities to Sub-Activities at the same time.



Select this checkbox to display the Change Instructors link on the Activity Functions page.


This field is used to attach instructors to activity records.  

Extra Details


Select this checkbox to display the Change Extra Details link on the Activity Functions page.


Select this field for most activity type records as it is used to attach details as images or documents to activity records.



Select this checkbox to display the Change Prerequisites link on the Activity Functions page.


Select this field to enforce prerequisites prior to registration in an activity that is associated with the activity type.  

Priority Registration


Allows returning customers to register for the activity before new customers:

  1. Select Priority Registration.

  2. Set the dates for priority registration. See Activity Registration Dates/Times.

  3. Set the criteria for Returning Participants.


This field is used when you need to define priority dates based on past participation of an activity.

Online Configuration


Select this checkbox to display the Change Online Config link on the Activity Functions page.


This field is used for activities related to racing configuration.



Select this checkbox to display the Manage Sub-Activities link on the Activity Functions page.


This field is used for those activity types related to activities that have sub activities attached to them.  


Note: If you select this checkbox, that means you assign activities to sub-activities and you cannot assign activities to an activity list at the same time.

USA Hockey number


Select this checkbox to display the Require USA Hockey number setting for activities of an activity type with this checkbox enabled. (disabled by default)

Note that selecting this setting will unselect the following activity type settings:

  • Activity Lists
  • Private Lessons


You can configure an activity or a team/group activity of this activity type to require a USA Hockey number.


To enable USA Hockey integration for your organization, please contact your ACTIVENet Account Manager.

Make up Lesson Dates


Select this checkbox to display the Change Make up Lesson Dates link on the Activity Functions page.


Note: The make up lesson dates function is for private lessons, so this option is enabled when you select the Private Lesson option.

Re-schedule Dates


Select this option to display the Re-schedule Dates function on the activity function page, and re-schedule activity meeting dates.



Select this checkbox to display the Change Fees link on the Activity Functions page.



Select this box to allow customers to enroll with a deposit for activities with this activity type.


Note: If you leave this checkbox unchecked, Enroll from Deposit is not available from the Front Desk.

Payment Plan


Select this checkbox to display the Change Payment Plan link on the Activity Functions page.



Select this checkbox to display the Change Merchandise link on the Activity Functions page.

Donation Campaign


Select this checkbox to display the Change Donation Campaigns link on the Activity Functions page.



Select this checkbox to display the Change Coupons link on the Activity Functions page.

Budgeting Information


Select this checkbox to display the Change Budgeting Information link on the Activity Functions page.

Custom Questions


Select this checkbox to display the Change Custom Questions link on the Activity Functions page.

Interest List


Select this checkbox to display the Change Interest link on the Activity Functions page.



Select this checkbox to display the Change Checklist link on the Activity Functions page.

Manage Checklist Transactions


Select this checkbox to display the Manage Checklist Transactions link on the Activity Functions page.



Select this checkbox to display the Change Users link on the Activity Functions page.

Waiting List


Select this checkbox to display the Manage Waiting List link on the Activity Functions page.

Manage Roster Skills


Select this checkbox to display the Manage Roster Skills link on the Activity Functions page.

Show Roster


Select this checkbox to display the Show Roster link on the Activity Functions page.

Show Totals


Select this checkbox to display the Show Totals link on the Activity Functions page.

Additional Charges


Select this checkbox to display the Additional Charges link on the Activity Functions page.

Copy Activity


Select this checkbox to display the Copy Activity link on the Activity Functions page.



Select this checkbox to display the Team/Group Configuration link on the Activity Functions page.


This checkbox automatically selects the checkboxes for the following fields:

  • Team Configuration

  • Manage Team Members

  • Team/Group Categories

  • Team/Group Divisions

Team Configuration


This checkbox is enabled when the Teams link is selected.

Manage Team Members


This checkbox is enabled when the Teams link is selected.



This checkbox automatically selects the checkboxes for the following fields:

  • Group Configuration

  • Manage Group Members

  • Team/Group Categories

  • Team/Group Divisions

Group Configuration


This checkbox is enabled when the Groups link is selected.

Manage Group Members



This checkbox is enabled when the Groups link is selected.

Team/Group Configuration


This checkbox is enabled when the Groups link is selected.

Team/Group Categories


This checkbox is enabled when the Groups or Teams link is selected.

Team/Group Divisions


This checkbox is enabled when the Groups or Teams link is selected.

Racing Configuration


Selecting this checkbox displays the Racing Configuration link on the Activity Functions page.


This also automatically selects the checkboxes for the following fields:

  • Bib Groups

  • Bib Rules

  • Bib Number Ranges

  • Batch Bib Number Assignment

Bib Groups


This checkbox is enabled when the Racing Configuration checkbox is selected.


Note that the This Activity is a race? checkbox also needs to be selected on the Racing Configuration page for this option to be enabled.

Bib Rules


This checkbox is enabled when the Racing Configuration checkbox is selected.


Note that the This Activity is a race? checkbox also needs to be selected on the Racing Configuration page for this option to be enabled.

Bib Number Ranges


This checkbox is enabled when the Racing Configuration checkbox is selected.


Note that the This Activity is a race? checkbox also needs to be selected on the Racing Configuration page for this option to be enabled.

Batch Bib Number Assignment


This checkbox is enabled when the Racing Configuration checkbox is selected.


Note that the This Activity is a race? checkbox also needs to be selected on the Racing Configuration page for this option to be enabled.

Team/Group Custom Questions


To add, modify or delete activity-specific custom questions (Team/Group Custom Questions) select this checkbox.


To hide the Team/Group Custom Questions link on the Activity Functions page, clear this checkbox.

Setting Attendance Codes

See Setting Attendance Codes.