Changing a customer address

You can change a customer's address at any time. Use the Addresses and Contact Information page to store both residential and mailing addresses, phone and email details, and emergency contact information.


    1. Choose one of the following:

    2. Search for and select the customer that you want to modify.

    3. Click Change Customer Address.

    4. In the Residential Address section, enter the Street, City, State, Zip Code, and Geographic Area of the customer's place of residence.

    5. Click Resident? if the customer should have access to resident rates for charges based on the address above.

    6. If applicable, enter a Proof of Residency Expires date if staff assigns a residency period to the resident or to extend the residency period once the residency expires.

    7. If the customer has a mailing address that is different from the residency address above, enter it into the Mailing Address section.

    8. If the customer has agreed to be included in your promotional postal mailing list, click Promotional Postal Mail?

    9. Enter the Mailing Name to use as an alternative to the customer name on posted correspondence.

    10. In the Contact Information section, enter the customer's phone numbers and email addresses.

    11. If the customer has agreed to receive text messages and/or promotional emails, click Agree to receive text messages? and/or Promotional Email?

    12. Click any subscription lists that the customer will be included in, if applicable.

    13. Enter the customer's emergency contact information.

    14. Click any addresses in the Family Members / Friends section that you would like to change to match the new address information you have entered above.

    15. Click Save.

Related topics

Adding or modifying a customer

Changing customer details


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