Family Member Relationships

Use this page to view or change a customer's family members.


You can perform the following actions on the Family Member Relationships page:

Name of Field Description

Add Family Member/Friend

Select a family Select the family to add a family member or friend to.
Add existing customer to selected family Click the link to launch the Customer Search window, where you can select an existing customer in the database and add the customer to the family that you selected above.
Add new customer to selected family Click the link to go to the Add New Family Member / Friend page, where you can create a new customer record and add the customer to the family selected above.

Family section

The Family section displays all families to which the customer belongs.

Name Click a family member's name to view or change their details in the Customer Account Functions page.

Birth Date

Date of birth of the customer.


Click the role of a selected family member to go to the Change Family Role page where you can change the customer's role in the family.


Possible family roles are Adult, Child, or Friend.

Residential Address

Residential Address

Mailing/Billing Address


Mailing/Billing Address


In the Retire column, select the Retire checkbox in the header to retire all family members in a family (household). Or you can retire the family members individually.


Retired customers will not appear on customer search results and reports unless specified.


Note: If you want to return a customer account to work after having taken retirement, you can clear the Retire checkbox to un-retire the entire family members of the customer's account.

Head of Household

In the Retire column, select the checkbox for the required customer account to be head of household in the family. This is used as criteria for mailing lists and reports.


  • Customers under 18 cannot be heads of households.
  • Retired customer accounts cannot be heads of households.


Click the Remove button on a family member's row to remove them from the family.

Changing a Family Address

To change a family address:

    1. Click Change address for [customer] and one or more relations. The Change Address page appears.

    2. Edit the address details.

    3. (Optional) To change some or all family members to the new address, under Family Members, select the corresponding checkboxes under the Residental Address column.

    4. Click Save.


To update all family members to the same address:

    1. Under Relations, in the Residential Address column, select Update address to same as [customer].

    2. Click Change Address for Selected Family Members.

    3. A pop-up dialog box appears. Click OK.