Manage team/group categories

Use this page to manage team/group categories that are assigned to activities. Team/group categories determine the team payment scenario (for example: all members pay individually, or team/group pays a lump sum for all members) and the gender restrictions of teams.


You can assign team/group categories to activities to define the categories that can be selected for teams or groups. When a team or group is created, then a team/group category is selected from the list of categories assigned to the activity.


    1. Go to Administration > Registration Settings > Activities.

    2. Search for and select an activity.

    3. Click Manage Categories.

    4. Choose one of the following:


The following options are included on the Change Activity Team/Group Category page:

Name of Field Type Description

Team/Group Category

Dropdown list 

Team/group category that is assigned to the activity.


Used For

Dropdown list 

Denotes whether the category is used for teams or groups.

Team/Group Payment Scenario

Dropdown list

Team/group payment scenario that is applied to teams/groups belonging to the team/group category:

  • All members pay individually: Each registrant pays upon registration; team/group contacts cannot pay for team members as a group.

  • All members pay individually; team/groups can pre-pay members: Team/group members can pay individually upon registration, or team/group contacts can pay for team or group members as a group.

  • Team/Group pays a lump sum for all members: Team/group contacts have to pay for all team or group members as a group; team/group members cannot pay individually.