Quick reserve

Use this page to select a facility, equipment group, or instructor for a quick reservation, and check their availability by specifying reservation date and time ranges.

Go to section

Candidate Selection

Reservation Settings

Dates and Times



Front Desk > Facility Reserve > Quick Reserve


The Quick Reserve page includes the following options:

Name of Field Type Description

Candidate Selection

Facility/Equipment Group

Dropdown list

Facility/equipment group to use for the quick reserve.



Link to the Facility List page where you can select facilities for the quick reserve.



Link to the Equipment List page where you can select equipment for the quick reserve.



Link to the Instructor List page where you can select instructors for the quick reserve.

Equipment Package


Link to the Equipment Package List page where you can select equipment packages for the quick reserve.

Reservation Settings

Event Type

Dropdown list

The event type.

Schedule Type

Dropdown list

The schedule type. 


The schedule type determines if reservations made in this group are charged (depending also on customer type and Charge Matrix).

Default Customer Type

Dropdown list

The default customer type that is used for drop-in customers. 


If a customer is identified, their customer type is used.


Note: The customer type determines the fees that will be charged.

Non-exclusive Use


Specify that this reservation request/permit is non-exclusive (i.e. other non-conflicting permits can be booked for the same time slot).

Save My Defaults

Dropdown list

Save the personal defaults selected for the schedule type, event type, and default customer type.

Recall My Defaults

Dropdown list

Set the schedule type, event type, and default customer type based on the customers' personal defaults.


If the customer does not have personal defaults, ACTIVE Net uses the settings selected on the System Settings -Facility/Equipment page.

Clear My Defaults

Dropdown list

Clear the customers personal defaults for the schedule type, event type, and default customer type.

Dates and Times

Reservation Date Range (from, to)


Reservation date range to include in the availability grid.

Time Range (from, to)


Reservation time range to include in the availability grid.

Grid Increment

Time (minutes)

Duration of each slot in the grid, in number of minutes. For example: if set to 60, each slot will represent a one-hour time period.


Click Check Availability to refresh the availability grid using the reservation criteria entered above.




Name of the customer attached to the reservation.


Note: Drop-in Customer (default) indicates that specific customer identification is not required.

Company Name


Name of the company attached to the reservation.

Event Name


Name of the event.

Permit Administrator


Select the staff user who is responsible for communication with this customer, if applicable.



Answer the custom questions attached to the reservation.


The event type you reserve determines which questions are attached.



Click this link to go to a page that displays additional details about the candidate attached to the reservation.



Type of candidate attached to the reservation.

Instructor Payroll


Click this link to go to the Change Instructor Payroll page.


Note: If you have "Read-Only" access for the Instructor Reservation Payroll security profile, you can view the information on the Change Instructor Payroll page, but not modify it. If you do not have access to this security profile, then this link is not visible.

Time/Date Grid


For the time grid (if the reservation date range is only one day), each checkbox indicates facility equipment and instructor availability in that specific time for the specified duration (grid increment). For example: if the time range is from 8am to 2pm, and the grid increment is 60 minutes, then each checkbox indicates 1-hour availability from 8am to 2pm.


For the date grid (if the reservation date range is more than one day), each checkbox indicates facility equipment or instructor availability on that date for the specified time range. For example: if date range is from Jan. 3 to Jan. 5, and time range is from 8am to 10am, then each checkbox indicates the facility's availability from 8am to 10am on each date.


Equipment with a status of Retired, Damaged, Lost, or Out are available.


Tip: Hover your mouse pointer over an available time slot to view the event name.


Red checkmarks indicate any days or time slots that the facility or equipment is unavailable.


You can do any of the following:

  • Hover your mouse pointer over the checkmark to view the reason (e.g. Closed, Skip Date, Too Many Participants, etc.).

  • Click the red checkmark to open the Facility Schedule Detail page.