Quickly reserving a facility

To reserve a facility quickly, select a facility group, select the date and time range, search for and select a customer, confirm fees, take payment, and finalize the reservations and permits.


    1. Go to Front Desk > Quick Reserve.

    2. On the Quick Reserve page:

      1. Specify the resources that you want to check availability for.

      2. Specify the Reservation Settings for this reservation.

      3. Specify the dates and times that you want to reserve.

    3. Click Check Availability.

    4. In the Availability section, specify the Customer/Company and Event Name for the reservation.

    5. Select the staff user who is responsible for communication with this customer from the Permit Administrator subsection, if applicable.

    6. Select the checkbox for the resource and time that you want to reserve. Staff users with the Front Desk: Reserve – Override Resource Close Time permission can select Override Skip Dates and Override Resource Closed Time check boxes check boxes to override the skip dates and closed time.

    7. Click Reserve & Finish.

    8. Select the payer for the reservation and specify the payment method.

    9. Click Pay & Finish.

    10. Either print the receipt and permit or send them to the customer as an email.



Related topics

Overview of permits

Adding or modifying a reservation group


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