Locker rooms

Lockers are rentable storage facilities within a locker room. Locker rooms are assigned to a center. Lockers are defined within locker rooms, and are assigned sizes, rental time periods, and locker combinations (optional).


Locker fees can be defined and attached to lockers based on locker size.


Administration > Facility Settings > Locker rooms*


*Note: The menu option will change if the Locker room wording has been changed in Facility Configuration.

Added and Modifying

To add

From the Locker Room List page, clicking the Add New button will bring you to the Change Locker room page, allowing you to create a new locker room record.


To modify

The Locker Room List page displays a list of locker rooms defined in the system. From this page, clicking an underlined Locker Room Name displays the Locker Room Options page with several hyperlinks. These are links to pages that allow you to address specific areas of locker room information:


The Change Locker Room Details link displays the Change Locker Room page with the locker room details as defined below, with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:


Note: * denotes a required field.

Name of Field Type Description

Locker Room ID

Name* Text

Name of the locker room.


Center* Dropdown list Center where this locker room is located, as selected from a predefined list.
Description Text Description of the locker room.
Prevent Further Use? Checkbox Option to retire the locker room record so that it does not show up when reserving or searching for a locker.


Gender Dropdown list Gender designation of the locker room, as selected from Coed, Female, Male.
A value of Male or Female restricts access to the locker room to the specified gender.
Coed allows locker room use for any gender.


Text Notes about the locker room.

Configure Locker Banks  

Checkbox Click the Configure Locker Banks checkbox to allow users to arrange the locker banks.

Show Room Online?

Checkbox Click the Show Room Online? checkbox to display the locker room on the public interface.
Note: This option is only displayed when you select Configure Locker Banks, above.

Display on Map?

Checkbox Click the Display on Map? checkbox to display the locker room on the Center map.
Note: This option is only displayed when you select Configure Locker Banks, above.


  Click the to select an icon from the pop-up  Icon File List and upload it.


Clicking the Change Locker Fees link displays the Change Locker Fees page where you can create or modify locker fee records.


Clicking the Change Lock link displays the Change Locker Details page where you can create or modify lock records.