Coupon search

Use this page to search for promotional coupons that are used in registrations.


Administration > Financial Settings > Coupons


You can use the following criteria in your search:

Name of Field Type Description

Search Criteria

Coupon Title


Full or partial title or name of the coupon.

Coupon Code


Complete coupon code (a partial coupon code is not considered).

Coupon Type

Dropdown list

Type of coupon.


The following are coupon types:

  • Registration: applies a percentage or fixed dollar amount discount on registration fees.

  • Merchandise: applies a percentage or fixed dollar amount discount on activity merchandise.

  • Marketing: used to record response to marketing campaigns.

  • Free merchandise: used when giving away free merchandise or for recording response to marketing campaigns.

  • Daycare: applies a percentage or fixed dollar amount discount on registration fees.

  • Membership: applies a percentage or fixed dollar amount discount to packages or package categories you specify as qualifying memberships.

  • Usage Fee (Membership):  applies a percentage or fixed dollar amount discount on a usage fee

Include Retired?


Select the checkbox if you want retired (inactive) coupons to be included in the list.


Retired coupons are those that cannot be used currently by the system and do not show up on the coupon search list by default.



Link to the Activity Search page, where you can select activities for which the coupons are valid.



Link to the Daycare Search page, where you can select daycare programs for which the coupons are valid.

POS Product


Link to the Product List page, where you can select activity merchandise for which the coupons are valid.

Product Subclass


Link to the Product Subclass List page, where you can select product subclasses.


Coupons that are valid for activity merchandise and belong to the selected product subclasses are included in the result list.

Product Class


Link to the Product Class List page, where you can select product classes.


Coupons that are valid for activity merchandise and belong to the selected product are included in the result list.

Product Department


Link to the Product Department List page, where you can select product departments.


Coupons that are valid for activity merchandise and belong to the selected product departments are included in the result list.

Usage Fee (Membership)



Customer Type


Link to the Customer Type List page, where you can select customer types.


Customer types that are valid for activity merchandise and belong to the selected product are included in the result list.

The search results display on the Coupon List page. Click the Coupon Title of a particular coupon to go to the Change Coupon Detail page, where you can change coupon details.


Add a New Coupon

If the search results do not include any coupons that match the criteria, then you can create a new coupon record and click Add New to add it to the database.


Note: Search for the coupon before adding a new record. This ensures that the coupon is not in the database already before adding a new record to avoid duplication.