Daycare session roster

Daycare session rosters are the lists of individuals registered for a specific date. You can use the roster in several ways:

Prerequisite Components

Prior to accessing the Daycare Session Roster, configure the following:


*Clients must also be registered in a session.


    1. Go to Administration > Daycare Settings > Sessions.

    2. Select a Program Type for the sessions from the list and click Search.

    3. Click the Roster link next to a session.


The Daycare Session Roster page defaults to the current date if the session has already started or if the first session date of the session has not started. If you want to view the roster for a different date, enter this date and click Submit to display its roster.


The following options are included on the Daycare Session Roster page:

Name of Field Type Description



Count of registrants.


Listed in alphabetical order by last name.



Participant name as a hyperlink that leads to the customer record page.



Home and work number of participant.



Hyperlink that leads to the Check-in page for this participant or this date.


Inactive until check-in has occurred, then Hyperlink.

Hyperlink that leads to the Check-out page for this participant for this date.



Hyperlink that leads to the Notes page for the participant for this date.


The hyperlink shows Add Note until a note is added for this participant for this date, at which point the hyperlink shows the text of the note.


The note is a text field to record critical information about the participant for a particular date. For example, you may wish to record if a different person will be in to pick up the participant at the end of the class.

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