Daycare session check-in or check-out

You can use daycare session check-in and check-out pages to monitor the registrants for each day of a daycare session.

Prerequisite Components

Prior to accessing check-in or check-out, the following data points must be configured:

Daycare Sessions

Daycare Session Roster


Customer records

Authorized Pickups


    1. Go to AdministrationDaycare Settings > Sessions.

    2. Select a program type for a daycare session.

    3. Click the Roster link next to a daycare session.

    4. To display the Check-in or Check-out page for a participant, on the Daycare Session Roster page, click Check-in or Check-out for that participant.


The following options are included on this page:

Name of Field Type Description

Check-in/out Time


Time of check-in/out of participant.


Defaults to the current time if viewing for today’s date.


Check-in/out Date


Date of check-in/out of participant.


Defaults to the date selected when viewing the roster (which defaults to today’s date).


System User

Dropdown list

Option to choose which user is performing the check-in/out.


Defaults to the user currently signed in to ACTIVE Net.




Record any critical information about the participant for a particular date.


For example: You may wish to make a note when a different person is planning to pick up the participant at the end of the class.


Notes are displayed on the roster.

Pickup Person (check-out page only)

Dropdown list

The name of the pickup person (selected from a list in the customer record).


Modify pickup list (check-out page only)


Hyperlink to bring you to the Change Authorized Pickups page for the customer record.

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