
This page shows a list of all streets that have been entered into your database.  


Street addresses can be tied to residency requirements through postal/zip code or geographic area.

Prerequisite Components

Prior to entering streets, the following data points must be configured:


Geographic Area

Where are they found?

How are they added or modified?

To add

From the Street List page, clicking the Add New button opens the Change Street page, allowing you to create a new record.


To import

Streets can be imported using the Load Street Database function.


To modify

From the Street List page, clicking an underlined Street Name displays the Change Street page, allowing you to make the necessary changes.

The Change Street page contains the following fields, with the option to Save or Delete the record at the bottom of the page:

Name of Field Type Description

Street Identifier

Street Name Text

The name of the street being maintained.


From Address Text The first address (street) number attached to this street.
Through Address Text

The last address (street) number attached to this street.

Odd Numbers Checkbox Checkbox to indicate whether the street includes odd numbered addresses.
Even Numbers Checkbox

Checkbox to indicate whether the street includes even numbered addresses.

City, State, Zip Text/Dropdown Enter or select the city, state and zip code for the street.

Resident Information

Geographic Area Dropdown The geographic area in which this street is located in the city, as selected from a predefined list of areas.
Resident * Checkbox When selected, indicates that the customers on this street are residents.

* If a customer record does not have residency assigned, residency is determined as follows:

In no case does ACTIVE Net declare a customer to not be a resident, so if they are marked as a resident on the customer record, they will remain a resident regardless of the settings in the geographic area, the postal code and the street.