Activity overview report

Activity overview reports are used to view an overview of activity details. These include activity fees, dates, instructors, and locations.

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Reports > Registration Reports > Activity Overview


Clicking the Recall / Schedule a saved report definition button at the top of the page takes you to the Report Definitions page, where you can select a previously saved report definition.


The following fields are available on the Activity Overview Report page:

Name of Field




Report Filter


The following filters are available on the Activity Overview Report page: Activity, Parent Season, Child Season, Organization Department, Activity Category, Activity Type, Activity Start Date Range, Center, Supervisor, Instructor, Team, Facility, and Activity Skill.


Note that the center associated with an activity is the center where the first activity booking/meeting occurs.


So if someone selects one or more centers for the new filter, the report includes only those activities whose first booking is at a facility belonging to that center.


Click the Report Filter link to learn more about reports and their filters.


Activity Status

Dropdown list

Option to only include activities with a particular status, as selected from a predefined list.


The options include:

  • Open - Activities that are still open for registration.

  • Closed - Activities that have been closed for registration.

  • Cancelled - Activities that have been cancelled and will not be held anymore.

  • Tentative - Activities that are scheduled but not yet fully certain to run. Activities whose enrollment are way below the minimum enrollment required may be placed on Tentative status. Note that retired activities that are copied to a new season will also get this status, until the status is changed to Open.

  • On Hold - Activities that have some technical issues (for example, instructor may not be available) and may end up not running.

  • Retired - Activities that will not be offered anymore.

  • Date Conflicted - Activities whose facility schedules have conflicting dates. These activities may end up not running at their original facilities so will need to have them updated prior to being switched to Open.

  • Any Status - Include all activities regardless of status.

Enrollment Status

Dropdown list

Option to only include activities depending on their enrollment status, as selected from either Any Status, Full, Under Maximum, Under Maximum + Waitlist, and Under Minimum.

Exclude Fee Information?


Option to exclude fee information from the report.

Minimum Met


Option to only include activities depending on their enrollment status, as selected from either Any Status, Full, Under Maximum, Under Maximum + Waitlist, and Under Minimum.

Include Activity List Information?


Option to include the activity list attached to the activity and information regarding the activity list in the report.

Include Activity Group Information?


Option to include information about activity groups such as linked activities, locations, number enrolled, and date descriptions in the report.

Show all Instructors?


Select this option to display all instructors for the selected activities, not just the primary instructors.

Only Show Activities Qualified for Commission?


Do one of the following:

  • To display only activities which qualify for commission, select this option.

  • To display all activities, clear this option.

Only Show Activities Without Reserved Facility?


Option to only include activities with no facility reserved.

Output type

Dropdown list

Option to select the output type or format of the report, from a predefined list.


The options are Adobe Acrobat Reader, HTML, or Microsoft Excel.

Sort Options

Sort Options

Dropdown list

Option to sort the report either by Activity Name, Activity Number, Activity Start Date, or Activity End Date.


Click the Report Filter link to learn more about using sort options.

Save Report Definition

Report Title


Option to save the report definition for later use.


Click the Report Filter link to learn more about report titles.

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