Custom question answers report

This report lists all the answers given for each custom question asked during registration for specified activities, daycare programs, memberships, facility reservations, quick reserve transactions and created accounts.


You can group this report by members and non-members.

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Reports > General Reports > Custom Question Answers


The report lists:

Note: Percentage totals are rounded to always equal 100%.


For example: an activity might ask a question about T-shirt size during registration, and the report will show how many times Small, Medium, and Large size was selected, and include answer percentages for custom question answers.


Clicking the Recall / Schedule a saved report definition button at the top of the page takes you to the Report Definitions page, where you can select a previously saved report definition.


The following fields are available on the Custom Question Answers page:

Name of Field




Registration Filters


The following filters are available in the Registration section: Activity, Organization Department, Activity Category, Activity Meeting Date Range, Revenue Site, Transaction Site, Parent Season and Child Season.


Facility Filters


The following filters are available in the Facility section: Facility, Facility Type, Equipment Group, and Event Type.


Membership Filters


The following filters are available in the Membership section: Package, Package Category, Membership Start Date Range, and Membership Expiry Date Range.




The following fields are available in the Daycare section: Program and Program Type.




The following fields are available in the Population section: Customer, Customer Type, Interest List, Subscription List, Demographic, Geographic Area, Customer City, Customer State, Customer Zip / Postal Code, Custom Question Answer, Customer Award, Customer Award Code Combo, Alternate Key Value, Family Role, Age Range Date Range, Account Created Date Range, Login Created Date Range, Login Created Date Range, Login Never Created?, Login Used, Login Never Used?, No Transaction As Of, Gender, Residency, Include 'No Promotional Email', Include 'No Promotional Postal Mail' Customers, Special Handling Customers, Retired, Customers Born In, Instructors Only and Unique Address.


Custom Question


Link to the Custom Question page where custom questions with which to filter the report by can be selected.


To remove a custom question from the list, select the custom question and then click the Remove button.


Click the Report Filter link to learn more about reports and their filters.


Report Custom Questions for


Option to include custom questions from:

  • Activity Registrations

  • Program Registrations

  • Membership Sales

  • Facility Registrations

  • Account Creations



To group data in the report by Age, Gender, and/or Home Zip code, select one or more checkboxes.

Demographic Related Questions Only?


To include only those custom questions that have the Demographic Related Question option selected on the Change Custom Question page, select this option.

Summary Report


To show the total count of unique customers for each category (for example: for each activity category) in the report, select this option.

Break By Teams


If teams are used, this option groups all questions and answers for each team.

Only Multiple Choice Questions


Option to only include multiple choice questions (and their answers) in the report.

Group by Member and Non-Members?


Option to group report by members and non-members.


Selecting this checkbox also enables the Member Between date range.


If this checkbox is selected, the report will first be grouped by 'Members' (customers that held at least one active (e.g. no expired) membership within the specified Member Between date range) then 'Non-Members' (customers that did not hold any active (e.g. not expired) memberships within the specified Member Between date range).


If this checkbox is deselected, the report will not be grouped by members and non-members and the Member Between date range control will be disabled.

Member Between

Date range

Date range to run the report for.


Only customers created on or before the To date will be included in the report.


Customers will have had to have held at least one active (not expired) membership within this date range to be counted as a member on the report.


Enter the date in month, day, year format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date from the pop-up calendar.


Enter the time in HH:MM AM/PM format.


Dropdown list

Include enrollees on the list based on their residency status:

  • Active Residents (have current residency status)

  • Non-Residents (do not have residency status)

  • Expired Residents (have residency status, but it has expired)

  • All Customers

Output type

Dropdown list

The output type or format of the report, as selected from a predefined list.


The available output types are Adobe Acrobat Reader, HTML, and Microsoft Excel.

Save Report Definition

Report Title


Option to save the report definition for later use.


Click the Report Filter link to learn more about report definitions.

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