Adding or modifying a custom question

Use the Change Custom Question page to change the properties for a custom question and its answers.


    1. Go to Administration > System Settings > Custom Questions.

    2. Choose one of the following:

    3. In the Question section:

      1. Specify the question Title, Question text, and/or any other necessary information.

      2. If this question is asked more than once per customer and you want to overwrite all previous answers to this question each time it is answered again, select Apply Latest Answer to All Previous Transaction?

      3. To flag this as a demographic-related question so that ACTIVE Net can use its answer to generate demographic data, select Demographic Related Question.

    4. To specify the possible answers for Single Selection or Multi Selection Answer Types, enter the answers in the Multiple Choice Answers section:

      1. (Optional) If Use Answer Codes is selected above, enter a two-character code in the Codes column.

      2. Note: To enter an answer with a blank answer code, use the Blank answer at the bottom of the section.

      3. In the Answers column, enter the text for the answer.

      4. In the Demographics column, select a demographic from the dropdown list.

      5. (Optional) If there is a sub-question for the answer, select it from the Sub-Question column dropdown list.

      6. To designate a default answer, select the corresponding option button in the Default Responses column.

    5. To specify the possible answers for the Auto-fill Conditional Answer Type, enter the answers in the Auto-fill Conditional Answers section:

      1. In the Answers column, enter the text of the answer.

      2. In the Age Range column, enter a Min age and Max age.

      3. Note: The answer will only be available to customers in the specified age range.

      4. In the Gender column, select which genders the answer applies to.

    6. Click Save.

Related topics

Adding or modifying a custom question type

Adding or modifying a custom question group

Viewing all custom questions answered by a customer


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