Adding a family member to a customer account

You can add a new customer to an existing customer account at any time.


    1. Choose one of the following:

    2. Search for and select the customer with the account that you want to add a new customer to.

    3. Click Change Family Details.

    4. Click Add new customer to selected family.

    5. In the Name & Family section, enter the First and Last names of the new family member, along with any other necessary information.

    6. In the Residential Address section, enter the address where the new family member lives.

    7. In the Mailing Address (if different from above) section, enter the new family member's contact postal address.

    8. In the Contact Information section, enter the new family member's Phone numbers and Email Address.

    9. In the Personal Information section, enter the new family member's Gender, Date of Birth, and/or any other necessary information.

    10. In the In case of emergency, contact section, enter the contact details for the person to contact in case of an emergency.

    11. In the Notes section, enter any staff or customer notes for the new family member.

    12. Choose one of the following:

Related topics

Viewing customer account members

Adding or modifying a customer

Changing a customer address


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