Add a family member / friend

Use this page to add a new family member or friend to a customer account.

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Name & Family

Residential Address

Mailing Address

Contact Information

Personal Information

In case of emergency, contact:




To add a new family member, fill in the following fields then click the Save button:

Name of Field Type Description

Name & Family



First name of the customer.




Last name of the customer.



Dropdown list

Select the family where the new customer will be attached.

Role in Family

Dropdown list

Select the family role for the new customer.


Possible family roles are Adult, Child, or Friend.

Residential Address



Street address of the customer.


Dropdown list

Country of the customer's address.


Note: This field only appears if you have selected the Allow international addresses option in System Settings - General.


If you select a country whose states are not in ACTIVE Net's database (for example: Afghanistan), the dropdown list for states disappear, and a text box will appear in its place, where you can manually enter the name of the state, and the State field will no longer be a required field.



City of the customer's address.



Dropdown list/Text

State or province of the customer's address.


Enter the state or province in a textbox if the country's list of states is not in ACTIVE Net's database.

Zip Code*


Zip or postal code of the customer's address.


Mailing Address (if different from above)



Mailing street address of the customer.


Dropdown list

Country of the customer's address.


Note: This field only appears if you have selected the Allow international addresses option in System Settings - General.


If you have selected a country whose states are not in ACTIVE Net's database (for example: Afghanistan), the dropdown list for states disappears, and a text box will appear in its place, where you can manually enter the name of the state.



City of the customer's mailing address.


Dropdown list/Text

State or province of the customer's address.


Select the state or province from a list, or enter it in a box if the country's list of states is not in ACTIVE Net's database.



Zip or postal code of the customer's mailing address.

Contact Information

E-mail Address


Email address of the customer.

Phone*: Home/Work


Home and/or work phone number of the customer.


At least one of these two numbers is required.


An area code is required, but the extension number is optional.

Cell Phone


Cell phone number of the customer.

Pager Phone


Pager number of the customer.



Fax number of the customer.

Other Phone


Other phone number of the customer.

Personal Information


Dropdown list

Gender of the customer.

Date of Birth


Date of birth of the customer.

Customer Type

Dropdown list

Customer type of the customer. This determines the charges applied for facility reservations, as specified in the Charge Matrix.


Specify the default customer type at System Settings > Online.


Dropdown list /Text

Occupation of the customer.


If you want to select an occupation that is not listed in the dropdown list, select Other from the dropdown list, and then enter the occupation in the adjacent box.

Geographic Area

Dropdown list

Geographic area the customer resides in.

Calculated Grade

Read only

The person's calculated grade based on the customer's age and the age-grade level specified in ACTIVE Net.

Grade Override

Dropdown list

Select a grade level to override the calculated grade.



Social Security Number of the customer.


Must have 9 digits or be left blank.

Lighting PIN


Note: This option is available if you have enabled SkyLogix features for your organization and if you require your customers to enter a PIN for lights to activate during their reservations (as specified in the Function option for SkyLogix Lighting Settings on the General Configuration page). Contact your ACTIVE Net account manager for more information about accessing these features.


Enter a 5-digit number for this customer to use as a PIN to activate lights during their reservations.



Select this checkbox if the customer is a resident.


Different fees may apply for residents and non-residents.

Special Handling?


Select this checkbox if staff needs to be notified that the customer requires special handling.


If selected, an alert siren icon is displayed when the customer makes a transaction. Click the siren to display the customer's alert notes (for example: notes, medical alert, general alert).

Head of Household?


Select this checkbox if the customer is the head of the household. This is used as criteria for mailing lists and reports.

Promotional Email


Select this checkbox if the customer agrees to be included in the promotional email list.

Promotional Postal Mail


Select this checkbox if the customer agrees to be included in the promotional postal mailing list.

In case of emergency, contact:

Note: Clarification text about emergency contacts appears here. To set the clarification text, see the System Settings page.

1st Contact


Name of the first contact person in case of emergency.

Relation Text Contact's relationship to the customer.
Phone Numeric Contact's phone number.
2nd Contact Text Name of the second contact person in case of emergency.
Relation Text Second contact's relationship to the customer.
Phone Numeric Second contact's phone number.


Medical Alert


Medical alert notes that can be printed on the roster.


The medical alert is also displayed when a special handling customer makes a transaction (for example: allergies, special medical instructions).



General notes about the customer that are displayed when a special handling customer makes a transaction (for example: customer preferences, requests, reminders).

General Alert (Staff Use Only)


Alert notes for the staff that are displayed when a special handling customer makes a transaction (for example: "Do not accept checks from this customer").


Note: These questions only appear if account creation questions have been set up.

Custom Questions


Questions that are asked to obtain additional information about a new customer.


These are family-level questions. When you add a new customer to the family, these questions are not asked--the new customer receives the same answers as the other family members. When you add an existing customer to the family, if there are questions which have different answers for the family, and the existing customer, you must answer these questions again. The new answer applies to all family members.