Adding an additional charge to multiple registrants of an activity or daycare program

You can use the Additional Charge page to apply an activity or daycare program charge to a group of customers in a batch. An email receipt will be sent to each selected customer with the charge as specified and a payment plan with a single payment due on the date specified.


    1. Choose one of the following:

        1. Go to Administration > Registration Settings > Activities.

        2. Search for and select the activity.

        1. Go to Administration > Daycare Settings > Programs.

        2. Search for and select the daycare program.

    2. Click Additional Charges.

    3. Enter the G/L Account to credit the charge to, the Charge Amount, a brief Description of the charge, and the charge Due Date in the Charge Detail section.

    4. Select which customers will be charged the amount specified above in the Customers to Charge section.

    5. To add any internal reference notes for this charge, enter them in the Staff Notes section.

    6. To add any customer-facing notes for this charge, enter them in the Customer Notes section.

Note: Customer notes will appear on the receipt and on the roster.

    1. Click Submit.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

Related topics

Adding or modifying a GL account

Adding or modifying a charge for new activities or daycare programs

Updating activity fees in a batch

Updating daycare program fees in a batch


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