Changing activity fees in a batch

You can use the Change Activity Fees page to change some or all activity fees by a specific percentage. You can also enter new amounts for individual fees at the same time.


    1. Choose one of the following:

    2. Select search criteria that correspond to the activity fees that you want to modify.

Note: The more search criteria you specify, the shorter the list of activity fees to modify will be. To view all activity fees, leave all search criteria boxes blank.

    1. Click Search.

    2. In the Fee Change section, enter the Percentage Increase to apply to the fees listed.

    3. To round the fee amounts after changing them, enter a Round to Nearest $ amount.

Note: To update fees without rounding them, enter 0.01 in Round to Nearest $.

    1. Click Preview.

Note: The new fee amounts appear in the Proposed column. To go back to the original amounts after previewing, click Revert.

    1. To modify an amount for an individual fee, modify the amount in the Proposed column for that fee.

    2. Once you have verified that all new proposed fee amounts are correct, click Apply.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

Related topics

Changing the fee linked to an activity

Adding or modifying an activity charge


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