Exporting brochure information for programs

If you use either Adobe InDesign or Quark XPress to publish your brochure, then you can use the Programs Brochure Export page to export your programs in a format that you can then import into InDesign or XPress. You can specify which programs to include or exclude in the catalog.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.


    1. Go to Communications > Catalogs > Programs - Brochure Export.

    2. In the Format section, select the File Format that corresponds with the publishing software that you use to create your brochure.

    3. In the Filters section, specify one or more filters to determine which programs should be included in the catalog:

      1. Select a Program Site, if applicable.

      2. Select a Status.

      3. Select any other filters that you want to use to narrow down the programs that will appear in your brochure.

    4. In the Options section, specify:

    5. In the Sort by subsection, specify whether or not you want to use the Daycare Category and/or the Daycare Other Category as the first- and second-level headings in your brochure.

    6. In the Program Information subsection, specify the Fields to group programs in your brochure within the categories you specified above.

    7. Note: If you specify multiple fields in this subsection, then they will be used together to group programs in your brochure. For example, if you specify both Program Name and Catalog Description as the Fields in this section, then all programs that share both the same program name and the same description will be grouped together. The first field that you specify will be the heading of each group.

    8. In the Group Sessions by subsection, specify the Fields to group program sessions within the groups that you specified above.

    9. Note: If you specify multiple fields in this subsection, then they will be used together to group program sessions in your brochure. For example, if you specify Session Name and Session Description as the Fields in this section, then all program sessions that share the same session name and session description will be grouped together. ACTIVE Net will use the first field that you specify to sort the groups in alphabetical order.

    10. In the Session Columns subsection, specify any other program session information that you want to include in your brochure.

    11. Note: This information will be displayed in columns within the groups that you specified above. Use the Sort by column to specify the field to sort this information.

    12. Click Run Report.


Note: For more detailed information about running the Brochure Export, download the Brochure Export guide from the Overview documents page.

Related topics

Exporting brochure information for activities

Creating a program catalog


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