Specifying fees or discounts for a membership package

To link a package fee to a membership package, you must first have a charge set up in the system to use as a template for the fee. Your packages can have multiple charges (including discounts) linked to them. If you have membership packages that use auto renewal, make sure that they have a valid prefill fee so that the correct price is charged when the membership renews.


For complete descriptions of the options in a section, click the section name below.


    1. Go to Administration > Membership Settings > Packages.

    2. Search for and select the package that you want to modify.

    3. Click Change Fees.

    4. Choose one of the following:

    5. In the Primary Charge section, select the Charge Name of the charge that you want to use as a template for the fee.

    6. In the General Information section, enter the Charge Name, Charge Type, and/or any other necessary information.

    7. Note: To set up a package discount, select Discount from the Charge Type list.

    8. Choose one of the following:

    9. (Optional) In the Fee Splits section, split an membership fee into multiple GL accounts.

    10. In the Tax Information section, select the taxes that apply to this fee.

    11. In the Charge - Prefill section, select the conditions in which the fee or discount will be charged.

    12. In the Age Qualification section, enter the Minimum and/or Maximum Age required in order to be eligible for the fee or discount, if applicable.

    13. In the Alternate Key Qualification section, enter any alternate key information that is required in order to be eligible for the fee or discount, if applicable.

    14. In the General Qualifiers section, enter the number of passes or uses to purchase to qualify for the fee.

    15. In the Dates section, enter the dates when the fee or discount will be in effect.

    16. In the Scheduled Fee Change section, enter a future date when a new Charge Amount will take effect, and then enter the new charge amount in the Charge Amount field. Click Add New to add another new charge if required.

    17. Click Save.

Related topics

Adding or modifying a membership package charge template

Updating membership package fees in a batch