Changing permit notes or disclaimers

Use the Change Permit Notes / Disclaimers page to view or change the notes and disclaimers attached to a permit.


    1. Go to Front Desk. In the side-bar, click Reserve and select Permits.

    2. Search for and select the permit that you want to modify.

    3. On the Permit Functions page, click Change the Notes / Disclaimers.

    4. In the Permit Master Notes section, enter any notes for the permit as a whole.

    5. Note: Permit Master Notes are only visible on this page. They do not appear on the printed permit.

    6. In the Disclaimers section, select the disclaimers that you want to link to this permit.

    7. In the Reservation Transactions section, enter Staff and/or Customer Notes for each event, if necessary.

    8. Note: Customer Notes appear on the printed permit that the customer receives. Staff Notes do not appear on the printed permit and are not visible to the customer.

    9. Click Save.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

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Overview of permits


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