Scheduling a report or export to run automatically

You can define the times and dates when a report or export will run automatically. You can also define one or more email addresses where the report/export will be sent once generated.


Note: Before you can schedule a report/export, you first need to save at least one report or export definition for the report/export you want to schedule.


    1. Open the Reports menu.

    2. Click the report that you want to run.

    3. Note: You can also select an export definition from Administration > Web Admin > File Export.

    4. At the top of the page, click Recall / Schedule a saved report definition.

    5. Click Edit for the report or export that you want to schedule.

    6. To define the criteria and filters for a report/export that will run automatically, select Enable Schedule Report.

    7. To automatically mark the records as exported after ACTIVE Net sends out the scheduled email, select Automatically Mark Records As Exported.

    8. In the When section, specify the dates and times that you want to export the report/export.

    9. Note: ACTIVE Net sends the report to an email server at the dates and times that you specify. Depending on server traffic, it is possible that emails may not actually reach their intended recipients until up to several hours after the scheduled time.

    10. In the Email Message section, to send a confirmation email (with the export file attached) once the scheduled report/export has finished running:

      1. Select Send Confirmation Email?

      2. Select the email address to send the email from in the From list.

      3. Enter one or more email addresses to send the email to in the To box.

      4. Enter the Subject Text for the email.

      5. Enter any Body Text that you want to include with the email.

    11. In the Schedule to FTP section, select whether to export this report to your FTP server when this report is scheduled. Enter your FTP server's connection information and the export File Name that you want to use.

    12. (For Lighting Exports only) In the Schedule Export to Musco API section, select whether to export this report to a Musco Lighting API. Enter your Musco API User and Musco API Password.

    13. Click Save.


Note: For complete descriptions of the options on this page, click here.

Related topics

Saving a report definition

Loading a report definition


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