Adding, modifying, or copying a daycare program

Daycare programs typically consist of multiple sessions that customers can register in. For example: A daycare program may have both before and after school components. Clients can register in the before portion, the after portion or both for a reduced rate. In this case you would set up 2 sessions (before and after) and 1 program.


For complete descriptions of the options in a section, click the section name below.


    1. Go to Administration > Daycare Settings > Programs.

    2. Choose one of the following:

    3. In the General Information section, enter the program Name, program Type, program Number, Status, and/or any other necessary information.

    4. In the Financial Information section, choose one or more of the following, if applicable:

    5. In the Roll Over Information section, specify whether customers in this program will be automatically re-enrolled in new program sessions after the current session expires.

    6. In the Sessions Included in this Program section, select the sessions that are available for this program to use.

    7. In the Participant Information section, specify who is eligible to register for the program and when registration will begin.

    8. In the Options section, select any options that apply to the program.

    9. In the Text section, enter:

    10. In the Custom Question section, select the custom question groups and custom questions that you want to attach to this program, if applicable.

    11. In the Skills section, select any skills that you want to attach to the program, if applicable.

    12. In the Search Channels section, select the search channels to categorize the program for easier searching at

    13. Click Save.

Related topics

Adding or modifying a daycare session

Adding or modifying a daycare program type

Adding or modifying a daycare program charge


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