Batch data entry form

Use this page to search for and select customers that you want to add to the batch enrollment.


Search for customers using their name or home/work phone number.


You can view a current list of registrants for the selected activity and also decide whether to have registrants pay individually or by batch.


The following options display on the Batch Data Entry Form:

Name of Field




Dropdown list

To build a batch entry list by searching for or entering registrants, select Add Registrants.


To display the current list of registrants for the selected activity, select Manage Roster. Use this option to view the list of the other registrants already enrolled in the activity.


Dropdown list

To charge one payment for the entire batch of registrants, select Batch.


To require each individual registrant to pay for themselves, select Individual.

Pricing Date


Date that the fee will be processed for the activity.

Activity Name


To display a screen tip about the activity, hover your mouse over the activity name.


To go back to the Batch Enroll Activity Search page, where you can select another activity, click the activity name.

Batch Data Entry Form

First Name


Full or partial first name of the customer that you want to enroll.


Note: You can use wildcards (* or %) to search for any string of characters anywhere in the activity name. For example: Searching for *ch* includes Michael, Chandler, and Peach in the results.

Last Name


Full or partial last name of the customer that you want to enroll.


Note: You can use wildcards (* or %) to search for any string of characters anywhere in the activity name. For example: Searching for *ch* includes Michael, Chandler, and Peach in the results.

Home Phone


Home phone number of the customer.

Work Phone


Work phone number of the customer.

Add As New


To go to the Add Registration page, where you can add a new customer to the registration, click Add As New.


This button appears after the search has returned a list of customer names, and gives the option to add a new customer who is not yet in the system.



To return a list of customer names, click Search.

Skip Search Results


To skip search results, select this option.


Only customers that are an exact match are returned in the list of customer names.


To go to the Add Registration page, where you can continue with the registration process, click the customer's name.

To see a list of customers' names, along with their email addresses and percentage matches (this is the percentage chance that the customer in question is the one you are searching for), click Search.


To go to the Add Registration page, where you can modify customer registration details, click anywhere on a customer row.


After modifying the customer registration information, click Submit to go back to the Batch Data Entry Form, where the following fields appear. This form also displays the roster if Manage roster is selected in the Action list:

Name of Field



Batch Data Entry Form

Recycle Bin


To delete a customer entry from the batch entry form, click the recycle bin icon.



To view or modify the customer's registration details, click the search icon to return to the Add Registration page.



Status of the registrant. The possible statuses are:

  • Tentative: This is a temporary status that will be displayed only while the transaction is being validated by the server. This status should not last more than a few seconds

  • Pending: The registration has no problems, and is ready for submission.

  • Warning: There are some minor issues with the registration, like when the fee and payment amounts do not match. This status will still allow submission of the registration.

  • Denied: The registration cannot be submitted due to some major problems, like if the activity is full, or if the customer does not meet age requirements.

  • Enrolled: The registration has been submitted and the customer is enrolled. This status only appears for enrolled customers when Manage rosters is selected in the Action field.


To override the current status, click the status.

First Name


First name of the customer.

Last Name


Last name of the customer.



Email address of the customer.



Total fees charged for the enrollment.



Amount to be of the activity.

Expected Finish Time


Customer's expected finish time for the race activity.


This column only appears if the expected finish time is required for race activities.

Custom Questions and Answers


If there are custom questions attached to the activity, additional columns are displayed with the customer's answers to the custom questions.

If registrants have paid individually, click Submit to go to the Confirmation of Batch Action dialog box, with the following options.


Name of Field



Confirmation of Batch Action!!

New Registrants


Number of new registrants in the activity.

New Customers


Number of new customers in the activity.

Modified Customers


Number of modified customers in the activity.

If registrants are paying by batch, click Enter Batch Payer Information to go to the Search Batch Payer page, where you can search for and select a batch payer for the batch enrollment.