Pass production

Use this page to produce customer pass cards. Customers use pass cards to gain access to entry points within the facility.


The following options are included on the Pass Production page:

Name of Field Type Description

Pass Production

Select Camera


Select this button to choose a camera for pass card production.


The Select Source dialog box opens where you can select a camera from the Source list.


Note: A camera should be attached to the workstation for this feature to work.

Upload Picture


Select this button to select a .jpg file from your local folder.

Picture Box


Customer picture is displayed here if there is one on file.


If there is no picture on file; 'No picture on file' will be displayed.

Take Picture


Select this button to take the customer's picture using the camera selected.

Find Pass


Select this button to display the Pass Selection page where you can search for an existing pass by pass number, customer, or customer ID number.



Read Only

Name of the customer.


Read Only

Address of the customer.

Phone number

Read Only

Phone number of the customer.


Read Only

Age of the customer in years and months.

Pass Number


Number assigned to the pass.


You can manually change this number at the time of production by manually entering a new number, and clicking Print Pass. This permanently changes the pass number.

Last Printed

Read Only

Date when the pass was last printed.

Layout Name

Read Only

Name of the layout selected.


You can create or modify pass layouts on the Pass Layout List page.

Print Pass


Click this button to print the pass.

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