Adding or modifying an entry point

Use entry points to track and report on your customers' membership usage at a particular location.


You should set up your entry points so that each entry point corresponds to a physical location where your customers scan their membership passes. You can assign an entry point to a workstation on the Workstation Detail page. When customers scan their memberships at a scanner that is attached to a workstation, ACTIVE Net will validate their memberships using the settings of the entry point that you have assigned to that workstation.


For complete descriptions of the options in a section, click the section name below.


    1. Go to Administration > Membership Settings > Entry Points.

    2. Choose one of the following:

      1. To create a new entry point, click Add New.

      2. To modify an existing entry point, click the Name of the entry point.

    3. In the General section, specify the Name, Facility, and any other necessary information for the entry point.

    4. In the Display Fields section, select any notes or alerts to display on the staff screen when a customer pass is scanned at the entry point.

    5. In the Validation Types section, select whether membership validation requires a membership and/or a valid alternate key.

    6. In the Scan/Gate Fields section, specify information about your scanner and/or gatekicker.

    7. In the Hours of Operation section, specify the dates and times when the entry point is available.

    8. Click Save.

Related topics

Configuring a workstation

Adding or modifying a facility

Adding or modifying a membership package

Overview of alternate keys


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