Specifying fees for a reservation

Reservation fees are charges or discounts applied to a facility, equipment, or instructor reservation. Use the Reservation Fees page to configure specific charges and/or discounts for a reservation transaction.


    1. Enter the correct initial Payment amount for each charge listed in the Fees section.

    2. If necessary, choose one or more of the following:

    3. In the Initial Payment section, do one of the following:

    4. If you are not collecting all charges immediately, do the following in the Payment Plan for Balance section:

      1. Select either a Custom payment plan or an existing plan from the Select a Payment Plan dropdown list.

      2. Select the Payer that you want to use for the payment plan.

      3. If the Payment Schedule subsection is visible:

        1. To configure a Custom payment plan, fill out the Payment Schedule subsection.

        2. To modify an existing payment plan, adjust the schedule of Due Dates and Amounts.

    5. Enter any Staff or Customer Notes for the reservation.

    6. If you want this reservation to display on an online calendar on the public site, then select an online calendar in the Online Calendar Display section.

    7. Click any Disclaimers and/or Checklist Items for the reservation, if applicable.

    8. Select the staff user who is responsible for communication with this customer from the Permit Administrator section, if applicable.

    9. Select the approval Stage Sequence and/or Custom Questions for the reservation, if applicable.

    10. Select whether or not a Lighting PIN is required to activate lighting for this permit, if applicable.

    11. Click Submit.

Related topics

Reserving a facility, a piece of equipment, or an instructor

Creating a returning renter reservation

Adding a reservation fee

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