Reserving a facility, a piece of equipment, or an instructor

To create a reservation, search for and select a facility, an equipment record, or an instructor, select the dates and other details of the reservation, search for and select the customer, confirm the fees, take a deposit, get the permit approved, take the final payment, and then finalize the reservation.


    1. Choose one of the following:

    2. On the Find Reservation Candidates page, enter the event information and reservation information for this reservation.

    3. Enter search criteria for the facilities, equipment, and/or instructors that you want to reserve.

    4. Click Continue.

    5. On the Reservation Dates page, specify the dates and times for this reservation.

    6. Click Continue Reservation.

    7. On the Confirm Candidate Resources page, select the search results that you want to reserve.

    8. Click Reserve Selected.

    9. On the Customer Search page, search for and select the customer or company who wants to reserve the resource.

    10. On the Reservation Fees page, specify the charges, payment plan, and/or other relevant details for this reservation.

    11. Click Submit.

    12. On the Pending Receipt page, to make any necessary payments that are due immediately, click Pay.

    13. Select the payer for this reservation, take any necessary payment, and click Pay & Finish.

    14. Either print the receipt and permit or send them to the customer as an email.

Related topics

Overview of permits

Attaching equipment to a facility reservation


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