Searching for resource availability

Use the Reservation Availability Search page to search for facilities, equipment, equipment packages, and instructors to book or reserve.


    1. Go to Front Desk. In the side-bar, click Reserve and select Availability - Items.

    2. On the Reservation Availability Search page, enter details that you want to use to search for available facilities, equipment, equipment packages, or instructors.

    3. Choose one of the following:

    4. On the Event Detail page, enter information about the event and reservation, then click Continue.

    5. On the Confirm Candidate Resources page, select the resources that you want to book and confirm the requested booking dates, then click Reserve Selected.

    6. Search for and select the customer or company that you want to link to this reservation.

    7. On the Reservation Fees page, specify the fees that you want to charge for this reservation, then click Submit.

    8. Pay for the transaction and finish the receipt as usual.

Related topics

Overview of permits

Reserving a facility, a piece of equipment, or an instructor


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